As a world explorer and spiritual warrior, life has taken many twists and turns. Enduring the unknown along the road less traveled to find what is real takes courage.
Emptiness within, amongst the noise of life, is daunting. Who and what to believe as you make decisions is confusing and can be overwhelming. Choosing the path for you requires knowing yourself. This is the Hero’s Journey, which sometimes leads to lost and/ or dark souls, including your own.
Whatever life may be for us, whether we crawl, walk, swim, fly or drive along the path, we encounter personalities and the challenges they create. Most entities are overrun with agendas, usually for material things. Whether it be corporations, governments, or schools, programs are devised to serve their will. The plans, work, courses, etc. encourage playing a role in order to acquire money, power, and control.
Each character has a “duty”, or so they think. In order to play their part, masks are donned by each of the characters. The masks (aka egos), create problems, confusion, and destruction. When egos take over, they generate a “pressure cooker”, if you will, that creates stresses, makes messes that broil over into minds and hearts. Harmful behavior spews over into everyone else’s lives and enlarges the divisions amongst us, and most especially within our own minds, hearts and spirits.
Desires breeds distrust. Life is full of people and agendas that tell you that something is wrong with you and that they have the cure. The projections can take over if you allow it.
When egos “in charge” are narcissist psychopaths, their insanity divides and conquers. The conflicts create dictatorships. Problems create reactions, and the insane have solutions. A problem, reaction, solution trinity are the obstacles along the journey.
The projections can take over if you allow it.
Controlling the workplace, town, City, State, or Country, increases evils, fears and reduces Truth…but only temporarily. Expand the microcosm to the macrocosm: the world scene, where Presidents, Vice Presidents, Kings, Queens and their lackeys rule with fear for power and control. With an insatiable greed, the masked faces of deceit are loud and appear strong. However, standing up to them exposes their game, that they are weak, and that it’s their “masters” that call the shots.
Rulers are not in charge. Be One with the Creator. You are That. “I AM That”.
The truth is that malicious actions backfire, creating storms in their lives- a hideous realm- for a very long time. Their misguided ways cause trouble, sometimes for others’ for a really extended stretch along the journey.
Did you know that “govern” means, “to manipulate, restrain, and control”? See Merriam Webster’s definition of govern, which includes, “to exercise continuous sovereign authority over; to rule without sovereign power and usually without having the authority to determine basic policy.”
“Govern” means, “to manipulate, restrain, and control. To rule without sovereign power without having the authority.”
Love does not need to power over others. Egos do. Knowing that you are a part of something greater than yourself is essential to navigate this world. Embracing the beauty, the glory, and the awe honors life. That’s the Truth. That is Service.
When we realize that we must govern our hearts, minds, and spirits, the darkness gives way to the Light. When we Unify within our Self, life begins anew. Then, Our Soul is the “Driver”, and we no longer need to be driven.
Our Soul is the driver. We do not need to be driven.
Here are some rules to Be Your Own Authority so that you may enjoy the road less traveled.
Rule #1:
Question everything.
Rule #2:
Think critically.
Rule #3:
Say NO to authoritarians.
Inner silence trumps fear, mental chatter, and guides the path. The quiet is the gift for one to Be, when one allows it. Asking, “Who AM I?”, is the portal along the sojourn. Our journey is to “Awaken” and remember “I AM”. “OM” or “AUM”- Om helps to quiet your mind, so that you can travel more freely.
Every religion has the same basic messages, there is an Ultimate Reality: Be Your Own Authority. Why give your power to others when the Creator Empowers You?!
What helped me through the trials and errors in life, meant surrendering to the Divine. When we let go, live simply, with humility and integrity, we clear space in our minds and hearts to create a beautiful life. Our spirits give way to our Souls…so that we are One that is of Service.
Unify within. Be the Service- Be the Art. You are a Reflection of the Divine.
Envision peace, joy and bliss in your life, your community, and the world. Clearing obstacles, which are self-made obstructions, is Grace. Love transforms and is the great Healer. Purity brings Liberation.
Silence Unifies and Liberates.
May you, your friends and your family be surrounded with Love. You are Loved. You are Love. Love is The Way. Love Empowers and is Authority. That is the Divine Life.
The Queen and Her Quack (The Queen’s Quack), is about working and living in dictatorships, and that freedom requires One’s inner wealth. Prosperity is the true asset that cannot be stolen. Courage to go within strengthens clarity, peace, connection and Sovereignty.
In-joy! Laughter is the best medicine! That’s the path-- a joyous journey of service! You have been given the Authority from the Creator.
May you Journey into Oneness to restore the wildlands within for Sovereignty.
The Queen and Her Quack (The Queen’s Quack) There was an Evil Queen who had an enabling, awkward assistant. They were cruel, caused great pain, and where annoyingly persistent. Speaking out of one side, taking and acting from the other. They undermined, sabotaged, lied as they pillaged and smothered. Insatiably, to the masses the psychos shifted, They attacked the kind, intelligent and gifted. No talent, no beauty, no empathy they could take, As it threatened their intentions of unfathomable fake! Leaving turmoil, destruction, and devastation in their wake, Silencing and distancing, a mess of everything they did make. Preying on those with the most generous of heart, Greed, desire creates suffering and tears life apart. Excusing themselves while accusing others, While profiting from their sisters and brothers. They delight and charm for the highest bidder of the game, Abuse for their temporary power, money and fame. Their misguided, deleterious projections Are the poisonous deadly injections. Guard your minds with thoughts of love and peace, Connect with the Divine and chaos will cease. Maintain courage, NO consent, Truth defeats tyranny, Service with love liberates one from their conspiracy. The Inner Law is what one sows, so shall he reap. The wicked pay and the price is far from cheap. One day the Evil Queen and her Quack, Will regret all the misery they have done to others a thousand times back.