Born Free USA
YOU Are Powerful: Positive Actions That Protect and Conserve Wildlife and Ecosystems for Their Importance in the World
YOU are the Soulution: Thine Own Heart Be True
Are you someone who thinks that other people will fix problems caused by others, without considering or changing your own behaviors?
Systems are deteriorating and our relationships that are based on ego and control are collapsing. Blame and shame magnifies and exasperates harms. Wrong thoughts, actions and deeds only hurt us. Empires are built on falsehoods.
There Is No One Else To Blame or Shame
There is a better way…and it is time to restore what is true. Grab your favorite beverage, take a 15 minute break to carefully read and consider the points of this essay.
Are you a consumer, a conspirator or a contributor? What kind of world would you like?
Be an ally, one who has compassion with empathy and reciprocate your piece of peace. Look within yourself and ask:
1. What suffering/ conflict seems to enclose You and hold YOU captive?
2. Know Thyself, what Excites, E-Cites is Energizing Proof of Empowerment!
3. What are you doing to express who you are to make the world a better place?
Do you have hypocrisies within your life? YOU-nify inner conflicts and Be a Partner in Peace to liberate yourself and others.
For example, are you purchasing from companies who harm? Choose to support ethical companies, schools, leadership and support compassionate and empathic small local businesses and organizations. Do you need to heal relationships?
Restoration through inner work to untangle the conflicts within our self is fertile soil for the growth of our soul. Our gift is to be a peaceful expression, our “soul’s occupation” in the world, empowers us and helps evolve and resolve problems for all.
Be a Contributor- a Co-Creator for Co-Existence. What are YOU doing to resolve your personal conflicts? Inner Peace is an Expression of Unity, Higher Laws.
Each one of us contains the gift of redeeming ourselves with reciprocity- sharing our natural gifts with others, which restores harms of self and others. It’s time to restore our connection with all beings in nature and ourselves. Giving to others, whether it be human, non-human or nature, helps us grow, forgive ourselves, and others. It is also restorative.
Restoring Soils and Souls gives purpose; it teaches how to be our gift for good and through our generosity, we restore ourselves. Transform suffering by giving your talents back to where we all came from and live- Our souls would not be here without the soils. Take care of those who give to us! Soils and Souls must be compensated by each of us: that is just(ice) Do(ing) the right thing!
Let’s change the ethos within ourselves, and teach in all types of schools, businesses, and in our local communities that we are nature, and that what we do to nature, we do to ourselves. Each one of us is needed and useful in restoration and conservation of our mind-body-spirit-nature.
We can’t keep rescuing our way out of problems.
We must go within and transform our soul’s suffering into Wisdom and Connection. Know Thyself sets you free and allows others to Be.
Transform your suffering and be a blessing to the world.
YOU are the solution (Soulution). Speak and do what is kind and true. Celebrate Awareness of Who AM I, Something Greater Than Ourselves blessed us with something that is “our calling”.
What Energizes your mind-body-spirit and sustains you without much “intake”, i.e. consuming?
What are you conspiring to do to nurture your talents and express your joy and excitement? What might that feel and look like? Sense as many ways as possible. Do you have more than five senses that you use? Are you empathic?
Life is an adventure! What is YOUR VISION AND MISSION?
My vision is to help Restore and Conserve Soils and Souls. My mission is to share with you the blessings of reciprocity- the story of glorious mystical, synchronistic, magical Union. Restoring Soils and Souls is my Serenade to Sovereignty—An Ode to Bliss. Our Freedom is right here, right now.
Let’s explore an ordinance…
Declaration of Interdependence
Our duty is to be power-full, be an expression of harmony, convey the change we wish to see in society, our world, and acclimate to the change that we have been creating within our self. Resilience of mind-body-spirit grows, read Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s profound true timeless wisdom.
Adapting to change is vital during this time. As we continue to work on personal and collective freedom, challenges that help us grow will arise, and this is a blessing. It is only by understanding how we each change and restore is to feel the chaos and learn to be still within it - we navigate the turmoil that arises when we are reaching a new frontier.
Freedom from control is something that humans find very hard to deal with because our awareness does not know where we are going. When we listen to our Soul, our inner compass, we will always feel secure and know that we are always heading in the right direction for us, and for a better world for All: nature, human and non-human. Our perceptions change when we go within and start at home by Uniting within Self.
State of the Union
Self-liberation restores Sovereignty. BE the change and we evolve into an equitable and respectful world for All. Unify your Trust to reflect love and compassion, Conservation and Restoration of Self. Our main task is to always remain in our Higher Law, Unifying the ego and surrender to align with the Divine Will: Purity is doing only that which brings more love, peace, and harmony to All. This restores soils and souls and is true and sustainable- that is Conservation.
Wildlands Restoring Soils and Souls is about (YO)Uniting the way humans relate to mind-body-spirit-nature to co-exist peacefully through empathy and reciprocity. Heal conflicts from the core- the root- the cause- the essential nature of which problems arise with a restoration- conservation intention. The entire world shifts with you, through YOU.
Together, we pioneer a new frontier of justice and liberty for all. Love gives you opportunities to be a better you so the world benefits. The fact is, many “solutions” create more problems. Hypocrisy compounds problems. Simple and true is sustainable. Conservation is natural.
Serve the Highest Good, Let Go and Trust
1. It is natural to want freedom. Be better listeners, talk less and do what is good and true.
2. Why are we denying freedoms for ourselves when flora, fauna, fungi, non-human or nature want that too? We are the biota, with purpose and a job to do in our environment. We know how to have healthy systems and we must return to them.
3. Follow the Indigenous, and other ancient wisdoms that Know the Roles in All of Life, Do No Harm and Reciprocate. Wildlands mission is to help YOU return to Beauty, Good, and True Sustainability. Restore and Conserve Soils and Souls.
Everything we need is within our soil and our souls. Restore Soils and Souls. Conservation starts with YOU!
What is within you that is in need of your attention?
When we each take responsibility to resolve a harm- a conflict- we restore our self, which helps others.
We can close loopholes, heal hypocrisies, and protect natural resources. We can grow our food regeneratively and co-exist with symbiotic partnership in mind. We can live together peacefully and thrive together. We restore by reciprocating: doing good, kind and true for nature-non-humans and humans- that’s conservation! Natural and simple.
May we be grateful for soils and souls and may soils and souls continue to be grateful for us.
Nobody wants to lose a loved one.
We have a suicide epidemic. A colleague shared with me that his 24 year old son knew 15 people his age who committed suicide within the last year! They felt hopeless, fearful- the problems of our world overwhelmed them- and that they had no future.
Let’s nurture humans’ natural tendency towards reciprocity. When we recognize that each being is a Soulution and value them with meaningful employment: plant trees, compost, recycle, care for the living soil, create communities that restore and conserve so that the ethics of generosity are the norm. Envision a world where nature and non-humans have rights and our symbiotic partnership heals humans’ souls. We are born free and we all live free and prosper when we allow Life to Restore Itself!
Let’s teach and live with self-reliance, reciprocity, and that we are born free to restore and conserve soils and souls…
Conservationists rescued a lioness cub named Elsa and successfully returned her to the wild.
Dame Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers MBE starred in the classic wildlife film Born Free- the true story of Conservationists Joy and George Adamson who rescued a lioness cub named Elsa and successfully returned her to the wild. Born Free USA was created to bring Born Free’s vision to America.
Witnessing conservationists’ loving efforts to achieve freedom for an innocent being spoke to me at an early age. It is a honor to feature Born Free USA, an early influencer that has inspired my life’s work. What encloses You and holds YOU captive?
Born Free USA’s Vision and Mission is to ensure that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live their lives according to their needs.
Born Free USA works in communities, classrooms, courtrooms, and Congress, and runs one of the largest primate sanctuaries in the U.S.
No sanctuary wants to stay in business.
The 175-acre sanctuary, located in south Texas, provides a safe, permanent home to hundreds of monkeys, many rescued from abuse in roadside zoos or as “pets” in private homes or retired from animal experimentation.
Born Free USA’s Positive Power Has Proof: Protect and Conserve Success Stories
Born Free USA helped The Big Cat Public Safety Act get passed into law in 2022, which bans big cat species as “pets” and prohibits public interaction, cub petting, photos, demand as pets, and models what Born Free USA would like for all animals.
A “win” for primates, Captive Primate Safety Act 2021, is similar to the Big Cat Public Safety Act. The bill bans the private keeping of primates as pets and most public interaction with primates and provides much stronger regulation than previous versions of the bill.
All States, Counties have their own laws, and illegal wildlife trading and protection on Federal level is important. State and local level support is essential- get involved!
One of the presenters of a Born Free USA webinar, Devan Schowe, started as primate care taker at Born Free USA’s Sanctuary. “Rescue monkeys that were kept as pets are surrendered because ‘owners’ couldn’t handle them, or they were rescued from biomedical research labs and non-certified zoos. The Sanctuary cares for a wide range of monkeys: macaques, baboons, vervets- every animal has feelings, needs and lots of personality. Working daily with a variety of individuals means that there are a lot of needs to provide for a natural habitat, food, enrichment, and healthcare. All care takes money and awareness to create change for the better for Primates.”
No sanctuary wants to stay in business.
While they provide good homes for animals, sanctuaries are not “happily ever after” due to behavioral issues, separation from mothers in the wild, not being raised on a proper diet, not socialized with other monkeys, nutritional deficiencies like lack of Vitamin D, because they are not living in natural conditions. When animals live for months without seeing the sun, stepping on the earth, breathing fresh air, and eating a natural diet, more care is necessary to help them transform their trauma.
“Sanctuary animals cannot live in the wild- they cannot fend for themselves or take care of their needs. We really need to treat these animals individually as each being has their own personality.” -Devan Schowe, Born Free USA
Many animals arrive at Born Free USA’s Sanctuary afraid to touch the ground and eat real food because they are used to processed foods and unnatural homes like cement floors and metal bars with no daylight. It is really harsh to see the damage that is done to non-humans- they have feelings and are intelligent beings. Innocent beings are deprived from a natural life. Public Danger, Private Pain, is a film that premiered in the Spring of 2022, based on the primate report. There is growing evidence about zoos and aquariums facts about captivity. Understanding what animals go through and how they are kept is essential to stop unnatural coping mechanisms to deal with the stress of enclosures. Not all zoos are alike and many are facing huge challenges, especially when there are lockdowns. The author of this essay spoke with two employees of two different zoos. One said that “they lost 70% of their staff during Covid lockdowns. They were at the bare minimum of trained professionals and just wanted to keep the animals alive.” A wildlife veterinarian said that “the staff at his zoo would not return after Hurricane Katrina. He rescued wildlife that were abandoned at the zoo after the storm and it was awful. He was putting as many animals as he could in his small car!”
Stories about giving animals cigarettes, alcohol, and other substances are not as uncommon as we would hope. I, (author) was horrified to witness a chimpanzee in a tiny enclosure along a bike trail near the bar his “owners” ran, and it furthered my advocacy for animals.
Devan shares, “Non-humans perform ‘stereotypes’ or unnatural behaviors, such as, an animal that paces for hours, pulls out hair, phantom limb self-biting, and other behaviors which are similar to humans who have gone through severe trauma. Animals are bored and can’t reach optimal welfare in small enclosures. Scars from the past never fully heal and they will continue behaviors even when in larger space. Traumatized animals have a lifetime of problems. Raising a baby animal and then giving them away does not mean the problem is solved. Resources and funding are challenging. Sanctuaries and rescue centers are maxed out- there is no room when they need a home. Financial costs are huge. Animals need a lot of space and will rebel – humans are loving them to death.” What are you willing to do to ease harm?
Reduce harm, get involved: Born Free USA’s Action and Resources:
URGENT: All comments must be submitted by March 1, 2024. Ask the USFWS to include restrictions on the use of lethal wildlife control methods (including cruel traps and poisons/ toxicants) that can severely injure, maim, traumatize, and kill wildlife, humans and companion animals.
Don’t support businesses and organizations that perpetrate problems;
Watch Born Free USA’s primate documentary and host a watch party for Finding Sanctuary.
Work for wildlife! Born Free USA is hiring!
Invite Born Free USA to do a presentation for your organization.
Devan Schowe’s background is a culmination of animal welfare and wildlife conservation, after witnessing the incredible transition of monkeys at the Born Free USA primate sanctuary from a traumatic past and behaving fearfully and uncertainly, to engaging in normal species-specific behaviors and thriving in a natural environment. Her degree is in Animal Behavior, and she has a Masters in Primate Conservation from Oxford Brookes University in England.
Devan’s self-care of mind-body-spirit: She takes the time needed to mentally decompress by staying active with indoor cycling, is a fitness instructor, and goes outside to enjoy nature. She also loves to bake and read psychological thriller novels which help her escape reality a bit!
Restoration and Conservation Starts at Home.
Talk with your friends, families, schools, businesses and vote with your dollars!
Thank you for supporting Wildlands to reduce harm. Your financial support is fertile grounds to restore and conserve soils and souls.
Nobody wants to lose a loved one.
No sanctuary wants to stay in business.
Let’s get to the root of the problem and end epidemics. Restore Soils and Souls. Conserve Soils and Souls. Hire people to restore and conserve to give people purpose. Transform grief and suffering by helping others and get paid to do it. Restoration and Conservation starts with YOU!
How have YOU transformed YOUR grief into a Gift?
A paid subscription to Wildlands restores humans, non-humans and nature. 10% of the proceeds from this essay, Born Free USA, will go to support Born Free
As a writer-poet-designer (aka, artist), the word illustrate means “to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorate”; “to make clear by giving or by serving as an example or instance”; “to demonstrate, clarify, enlighten, adorn”. A passion for conservation, restoration, health, joy and freedom in my life, calls me to give to illustrate my love for beauty, truth, good, nature and art.
I AM a “Poet with a Purpose!” My “Serenade to Sovereignty”: Restore and Conserve Soils and Souls. May we be grateful for soils and souls, and may soils and souls be grateful for us.
Per Born Free USA: "Did you know that the U.S. is the world’s top importer of wildlife trophies?
Between 2005 and 2014, more than 1.26 million wildlife trophies from more than 1,200 species were imported to the United States, including ~ 5,600 African lions. Wild animals deserve so much more than to end up mounted on someone’s wall as a cruel hunting “souvenir.” Ask your legislator to cosponsor the ProTECT Act TODAY to end this barbaric practice and protect fragile species from extinction in the wild: