How I Survived on a Remote Island with a Man Who had a Psychotic Breakdown
A true tale of trauma to transformation: How I developed resilience that rocks
Hello, and welcome to Wildlands. I am really glad that you are here!
Dear friends and creators of things big and small: Congratulations, on your amazing and inspirational accomplishments!!
I know many of you have sacrificed and suffered, because I have too.
Many of the best talents are the ones who have suffered in silence. The ones without words are usually some of the most important beings in the world. Wildlands mission is to give voice to the unseen and unheard to help restore soils and souls.
Wildlands helps you sing your song and give a hoot for others. Anima Mundi needs your song, your voice, your advocacy… your vocation. Join a choir of souls who love the soils. Imagine a world of sovereign soils and souls! Take action and celebrate because it is possible.
From rocky road to resilience: let's celebrate transformation to uplift and inspire others!
I strive to help you transform into new beginnings.
My goal is to help Anew You, and,
As a result, help nature and her beings, too.
I AM a Whisperer who whittles words for the Wild.
I AM a Scribe who helps give voice and presence to the ones without words.
An artist, a poet with a purpose…
I AM Loud Hawk, One who gets things done.
I speak for the eagles, raptors, corvids, mammals, forest, waters-
Flora and fauna are my friends.
I speak the language of the wild; and,
The language of the former wild who may want to be free.
I speak love and gentleness for you and me.
United, restored, community first,
Is the medicine that breaks their evil curse.
The remedy is contained in Wildlands.
My mission is to increase your health and well-being and connection with nature.
And, help you escape devices, vices and crises;
Utilizing nature’s bounty in you and your county.
I’ve been restoring soils and souls for years and,
I have reinvented myself many times, too.
I’m a shape shifter, a dreamer and a guide.
Come one, come all, and let’s restory/ restore you!
Awaken energy made small by silence.
You can overcome greed and violence.
An original poem, by Robin Motzer
How I transformed my trauma through the dirt and the drama
I was a single woman far away from any support systems. I am writing a book about how to thrive in the wild lands of life. My true stories from horror to hero have taken years to put into words. PTSD can have roots from childhood and lifetimes. Inter-generational trauma is real. I know from experience and more of my resilience stories will be shared in Wildlands. I was a sickly child and healed what the medical profession was unable to do. I have been a nature nomad for years, exploring the wild lands of health, well-being and healing with nature and service.
Some of my habitat transformations include native pollinator gardens, healing gardens and food gardens. My contribution helps unite the biota.
The call of the wild lands
Do you know the wolves’ story? I listened to the wolves. And, they listened to me.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that I would find myself in one of two tents: one with an exhausted sane wilderness guide and one with a friend having a psychotic breakdown… in the wild lands… on a remote island.
In the nearby forest, a pack of wolves howled. Three human wild landers shared a lush island with abundant waterways to the Pacific Ocean, an ancient forest, mountains and valleys. Wildlife surrounded us in all directions.
I thought I would lose my tail to a psychopath in the wild lands, however, I am here to tell the tale.
Being One with wild saved my life. The wolves and the eagles protected and watched over me. Sleep deprived with heighten senses, I became a wild woman. Jungle Book, a childhood favorite, became real- I communicated with the wild and survived. I could smell the anger of the man in my tent and knew my life was in danger. His psychotic episodes with rampant talk of death, led me to do things to keep him from ending my life, and possibly others, too. I learned a lot about life and friendship.
It has taken years to transform my trauma into tantalizing tales to entertain, energize, heal and restore, too.
I understand what the wild beings are dealing with- and it includes a need to heal psyches. The disillusioned and confused have mislead nations, corporations, medical-pharma-farma, schools and governments.
Greed is a dis-ease that is killing our planet.
Our systems are not set up to heal, they enable and let illness run free to destroy, control, divide and conquer. The complex keeps getting better at power grabs and psychoses, which have many things in common. It is time to strengthen ourselves and heal our inner and outer wildlands- soils and souls need sovereignty.
I have knowledge, wisdom and experience to transform you and your community, dear friends. Wildlands is unique, valuable wisdom.
I chose to survive during a come to Jesus moment when facing a fork in the road. This time, it was a life or death conflict that I needed reconcile. How badly did I want to stay and help others?
In other words, I believe we can reduce harm and shift paradigms by healing our own traumas- physical- mental- spiritual. Collaboration is a Gift. Our Presence is a present to our community and world. We can do great things together, please subscribe! Happy Holidays!

How I developed resilience that rocks
I lived on the other side of the Country from family and friends. Self-reliance was critical and I sought help from a few people. I walked, hiked, kayaked, camped, swam and snorkeled in the ocean, swam in canyon streams, painted, drew animals, doodled, wrote stories, designed interiors, landscapes, gardens and earned certifications in nutrition, massage, essential oils, soil health, animal communication and energy healing for animals and people. I dreamed and envisioned creating a farm-park-sanctuary. I learned what issues people and communities were struggling to heal and helped in whatever way I could. I raised money and goods for community projects and for a wildlife rescue-rehab-release center. I taught children how to help make the world a better place and won a national award. I learned how to work with local and State leaders to reduce harm to animals, nature and humans- the soils and souls, the biota.
And, now I’ll show you how to:
Heal from the roots, naturally, and overcome the tales of terror that result in mind-body-spirit issues;
How to survive a life-threatening wild adventure;
Transform true treasures that cannot be taken from you;
How to survive almost anything and thrive; and,
How to give back to self and others.
I AM a Guide to inner peace and prosperity of the inner and outer wild lands. Believe me, trauma trips and entangles us. I had to learn to dig deep into my ancestral roots to really be free. Now I fly above the crises, vices and devices and I show you how to be free, too.
Do you know that you have untapped power?
I can show you how to access what has been hidden, silenced and help you heal an inner hunger, and overcome your struggles for good. I will show you how to make a comeback that you never dreamed possible. I believe in the power of YOU and all the good you can do!
The wild lands of Alaska helped me transform undiagnosed PTSD into my work called Wildlands. I may have even thrown out a Sarah Palin autographed letter sent to me from the State of Alaska.
Join me in Wildlands and let’s discuss service to soils and souls. Stewardship is calling, you are needed.
Wildlands authentic lifestyle and teaching with The Golden Rule as a guiding light for all thoughts, words, actions and deeds tames the conflicts of the inner wild lands. Most religions, educational and government services have some version of similar moral ethics and laws.
My work plants seeds to help humanity rise to the challenges and help fix issues that are important to us. You can choose to support hypocrisy or authentic, compassionate actions to help fix problems.
We have had a corrupt health- government complex that has been ruling us for decades. We now live in a time of the wild west lands and it is time to pioneer a new route to health and freedom that unites with nature and her beings.
1. Let’s respond with more self-development and less concrete-asphalt development.
2. We need more interconnected habitats with thriving biodiversity, food and natural resources.
3. We need to place a dollar amount on the service that each being in nature performs.
We need to stop hierarchies-- extirpating beings has not been sustainable—it breeds and feeds corruption and it is destroying unnecessarily. Our society and our world does not have to continue feeding on its problems and getting by—we need change and you are needed to help designs for a better world.
How about this: Be a piece of the peace— Contributing to each other is bliss.
Why are so many allowing others to silence their own conscience and lead us into choices that may not be in our best interest?
Why continue to defend bad choices instead of using creativity and positive actions?
I had tough decisions to make with a partner who was trained to be hard in soft times.
You can’t take propaganda out of people unless they know their own value. Otherwise, they will deceive you and themselves. They will over power you. Heal and trust your gut, it has saved me every time.
Do you hear the call of Wildlands?
Wildlands mission is to change cultures through unification and restoration.
Tell me your story and it may be included in an upcoming Wildlands essay, called “You Have Resilience that Rocks!” You will help others know how to let go, transform with grace and ease, begin anew.
Email your trauma to treasure stories in a word doc or a google doc, and include the answers to the following:
1. What trauma have you overcome and how did it help you transform?
2. Who and what helped you heal? (Family member, counselor, teacher, friend-- no proper names.)
3. How are you using your talents to help others?
Include a couple of sentences describing your mission; and,
Share a couple of sentences for your short bio.
Please follow these directions to be considered for a feature in Wildlands, “You Have Resilience that Rocks”. Be kind! Wildlands holds rights to block abuse.
My restory/ restore led to Wildlands to help Restore Soils and Souls for a United Resilience Revolution that Makes Anima Mundi Great (Healthy) Again!
I learned from my accomplishments and failures in my personal life, and in my social-environmental advocacy.
There were people who traversed in and out of my life that were either devils or angels, it seemed. All my traumas led me to be a nature nomad. I could no longer resist the land that called to me. Serving nature and her beings helped me transform pain into passion.
I will help you see beauty and good to help you overcome challenges. Join Wildlands and breathe new life—restore soils and souls.
Help get toxins out of our soils and souls. Restore natural health and well-being for the wild lands of humans, animals and nature. Show how you healed thyself and remedy others.
Your opportunity is to share your comeback story! Only those who have shared their restory/restor-e in a document will be considered, see details on how to Share your story/restor-e in Wildlands series called, “You Have Resilience that Rocks!”
This is an invitation and call to action. Let’s celebrate your resilience to inspire others in their depths of challenges.
Calling all artists, and all caretakers of the land: gardeners, farmers, forestry/ agroforestry, mineral-water-nature-animal-biota lovers. Wildlands is also calling all naturopaths, veterinarians, small business owners, healers, visionaries-- all hands on deck!
You can help heal trauma.
Help fund my work that is taking place in three States and works with local and State leaders. Our country needs a YOUnited States. Your support helps empower others to share their gifts with the world and heal greed, hunger and waste.
Wildlands shows how give a hoot and help heal wild lands of humans and nature.
About Robin, aka, Loud Hawk, a Poet with a Purpose
Gratitude, compassion, empathy for all species and being of service are uplifting, invigorating and rewarding.
My work’s mission is to help create a better world and raise awareness to help fix community issues. I’m helping to expose animal cruelty and corruption of animal organizations, and I also work with non-profits to restore habitats. Helping to care for wildlife too injured to return to the wild, is also part of my work. Studies in nutrition deepen my holistic/ natural healing lifestyle which includes advocacy for regenerative farming, healthy- local food, that empower small businesses, co-ops, and learn how to support you and shop local. Reciprocity is medicine. Bliss is the re-ward.
Think of it in design/ architecture/ landscape terms:
Redesign your interior! Decorate the lives of nature, animals and humans. Interconnected design creates peace and flow- that’s prosperity! Include biodiversity of landscapes for recreation, food/ self-reliance, wilderness, living, business and more!
Good design includes interiors and exteriors-- Organic design meets the demands of every level of living. Color is the spice of life. You wouldn’t live in a polluted junk yard, right?! Why are you allowing junk in your homes, your land, water, air and your minds-bodies-spirits?
“Give a hoot and don’t pollute” homes and land of animals and humans.
Do you need help redesigning your body-mind-spirit? Does your home, office, garden, yard, farm, business, non-profit, or government agency need help? How about a life overhaul? Are you interested in helping to create a farm-park-sanctuary? Contact me!
Reciprocity is exchange- our way of compensating for all that flora and fauna give us. Giving back expands nature and more than humans’ gratitude for us. Generosity of our hearts, minds and hands (actions, thoughts, words and deeds) give us compassionate, empathetic purpose- Restoring Soils and Souls is sustainable conservation. We are all a part of the biota.
It is a thankless job, yet a Culture Changer is exactly what is needed. Repellent behaviors by the multi-billion dollar medical-farma-pharma-government complex have reached sickening levels of psychotic demands. Empathy, compassion and personal stories that call for an end to greed in your area of focus are needed.
Collaborations in a series called, “You Have Resilience that Rocks”, is an opportunity for you to share your trauma to triumph stories to give others the courage to tell their story.
Let’s work together.
Wildlands helps shift paradigms, increase collaboration and reduce harm with stories and research that teach compassion, empathy and resilience. And, occasionally shares a healthy, simple natural recipe for health.
“A Poet with a Purpose” as a Wild and Free Nature Nomad, is growing organically- through art, poetry, essays on Wildlands and through Sustainable Tucson Habitat Restoration projects.
Wildlands is in The GiveBackStack, the Directory is in Rainmakers and Changemakers.
Do you hear the Ruff Rebel yell: Do you hear the call of Wildlands?
Taming and transforming madness is my mission and I need your support. Please upgrade to paid and share Wildlands.
There are a lot of exciting health-wellness information coming to Wildlands in 2025 and beyond. Your support will help create a farm-park-sanctuary. This transformational project will be documented in Wildlands and you will be a part of changing cultures, hearts and minds. Wildlands need natural connections, selections and elections.
BIG HUGS, you have resilience that rocks! I look forward to sharing your story! Restory/ restore you and the work you do!
Tell me,
1. What do you do to restore soils and souls?
2. How can I serve you?
3. What would help you grow?
Ya dig, brothers and sisters? We’re all interconnected!