This poem is in honor of nature, and life, as we pay tribute to all those suffering, whether from natural or intended harms. Please take a moment to send love to Ohio, Turkey, and all areas experiencing destructive forces. May Peace and Love transcend all pain and fear.
I live peacefully among all species, and talk with all the beasties. Some make fun of those who are different- Which is of no concern, as my life is happy and magnificent! As I connect with animals, insects, reptiles and bees, With the cacti, rocks, flowers, plants, and trees. And swim with the aquatic life, large and small; I walk with four-leggeds, and love them all. We are all interconnected, and that is fact! I do no harm as I walk, talk, and act. I sing in harmony with all of nature’s voices, Knowing that simplicity and kindness are choices. I connect with the earth in my bare feet, My heart connects with all of life’s beat; Giving is my expression of love for nature, animals and, people, too— Even though I do not like what many do. To heal the grief for all the harm and destruction; We must live peacefully, with nature’s instruction: Empathy for others, follow nature’s way and do not pillage. Connection with all species is like living in one big village. Dance with the winged ones and hear their call. We must love daily, as we are nature and related to all! Protect and respect life in the soil, air, water and rivers, And all the habitats and sentient beings that walk, fly, swim and slither!
Good to see your poem here Loud Hawk! Proud of you! May our paths cross soon! Keep up the good work!