Increase Your Health and Well-Being with Simple Recipes and Essential Shifts
The complete guide to transform health and wellness: It’s never too late to eat healthier, look and feel better and reduce harm
Welcome! I overcame audio technical difficulties. Bear with me, this is my first audio recording on Wildlands. And, stay tuned! I am inviting you to a join me in a Wildlands challenge to increase health, peace and prosperity! Will you join me?
Together, we create a better world by having better health and well-being.
We are resilient. We can heal our traumas, diseases, and societal demise.
Support during transformation- whether it be nature’s or our own, is essential. Wildlands was created to help you reduce harm to self, others, nature and animals.
Nature “sees you” and provides for you. Your job is to steward all your good fortune. How effective are you at living a win-win life?
British historian, Arthur Toynbee studied and published his 12-volume “A Study of History”, from 1934-1961. Toynbee studied the rise and fall of civilizations and concluded that great civilizations die from internal causes.
The costs of education and healthcare are out of control. The average inflation-adjusted cost of college tuition has increased 130% since 1990.
From 1970-2022, national healthcare spending increased 934%, even though the population has grown by 64%.
Suicide of self is due to a lack of learning how to care for self. There is a lot of misinformation, division and isolation. Societal suicide is due to being addicted to doing the same things over and over. We are suffering and crying for different outcomes, yet, we keep doing the same things over and over again.
Prophets make profits with their own “cherry-picked” perceptions. Predators can be parasites. It is essential to strengthen yourself. Being mindful is the most important muscle you must exercise or you may lose your mind and your money.
It is business of politicians and industries to aspire to power, to tell us that our problems are because we need them, and to divert our money and attention to them- instead of taking care within self. We are taught to believe what we are told by “our corrupt complex”. Your perceived lack of power is the great lie that robs you from your health, well-being and Sovereignty. Humans are suffering and dying needlessly, as are animals and nature. Wildlands is here to guide you through the illusion and help bring you to health freedom, my friends. My work is to help awaken and regenerate self and nature for peace and prosperity.
Stop paying corruption to increase your enslavement. Empower self. And, as a bonus: being happy helps heal our world.
Learn how powerful you are so that you no longer “adapt to being tapped and zapped” by the significant numbers of suffering psyches. (Say that 5 times fast, dear friends!)
I will show you how to live simply, save money, and increase your own profits. That is a lot better than paying for others to profit from you.
What’s the cure? you ask… The Wildlands Challenge: Regeneration Nation: Put love in action to transform self and our society. We are starting with food.
Death, disease and many other problems come with our food and what we ingest, consume, refuse and waste.
We owe everything to Something Greater than Ourselves. Our fortunes: plants.
What are the actions humans do to thank Creator and the plants?
We poison, drown, extirpate, exterminate, destroy, war, fight, pollute, and even make Creator and plants illegal. And, we pay BIG MONEY to “the corrupt complex”, who sells plant products transformed into chemicals.
Fossil fuels, like petroleum, are in our seeds, food, products, air, soils and waters. We purchase from “complex” and our money and compliance makes them powerful. Then, we pay the “corrupt complex” to clean up everything in our lives.
We pay for a co-dependent, ever-growing systems to rescue us and give us food, medicine, homes, education, health, well-being. Some even surrender their bodily rights. Wow, that’s a lot of power and money we are giving away. We are paying “the corrupt complex” to have more power to enslave and kill us. We want ‘false-aids’ for our bodies, minds and spirits that keep us enslaved and in debt. And, we comply!
That’s insane.
Do you want to support insane systems or healthy ones?
We have the real power to heal self and help others. We even possess the information to help nature- give back to all of nature and her beings. We all win with win-win systems.
One way is by “shifting your diet 3% can decrease your mortality by 10-20%”, as presented by Dr. Michael Greger, a plant-based medical doctor. He cites more than 1,300 peer-based research in, “How Not to Age”, his scientifically backed book of facts. See his “10-20%” statement at minute 26:00, in his video.
Let’s grow with compassion and empathy by being healthy and generous: reciprocate with nature who freely gives to us.
Fall is a great time for personal change. Let’s start with disease and food.
For more than 35 years, I’ve been healthy, self-reliant and focused while transforming unhealthy habits to ones that support biodiversity and sustainability. I transformed auto-immune diseases that doctors could not help. And, I’ve helped others, too.
I’ll share decades of learning with you. We’ll take it week by week for your success! Support is essential while you cleanse, heal and strengthen your body-mind-spirit. Wildlands mission is to help you reduce disease and harm.
I’m inviting you to join me in building a better world through Self.
Be a part of a Wildlands challenge: Regeneration Nation: How to Increase Health and Well-Being.
Welcome to Regeneration Nation! September is a meatless month!
Our work together will help you release patterns, relate to challenges, and overcome obstacles. Change is scary. The good news is we can embrace curiosity. Let’s explore some of the ways you will achieve goals, increase health and well-being with the following:
Lose weight;
Increase cognitive function and emotional health;
Reduce joint and muscle pain;
Slow the aging process;
Decrease your ‘baggage’: your resistance;
Increase immunity;
Reduce blood pressure;
Improve intimacy;
Sleep better, feel great;
Reverse diabetes and digestive issues;
Increase energy;
Increase muscle mass; and,
Build self-esteem!
It is fun and invigorating to reverse the challenges that may have plagued you for a long time. When fears and obstacles are released, new pathways are available to you.
Wildlands is your guide.
Even a slight change after 45 years old will increase your longevity.
Each participant in Wildlands Regeneration Nation: September Meatless Month Challenge will receive support to help overcome obstacles. We’ll bear witness to growth and we’ll celebrate! Learning to work with your mind is essential. Wildlands helps guide you during the challenges.
Paid subscribers, sponsors and donors will receive a shared Regeration Nation.pdf, surveys, and links to our meetings.
It’s time to cleanse and shine with Wildlands challenges, you will learn:
How to stay healthy in a toxic world.
The basics to have in your kitchen.
Learn how to make good decisions and keep them.
Be a part of a vibrant, growing community in Wildlands.
I’ll show you how to find what you need at the farmer’s market, grocery and co-op.
How to create and enjoy simple, delicious, nutritious meals.
Grow past fear and have fun!
And, so much more!
The two biggest obstacles that keep people from learning food is medicine are:
(1) Habit change; and (2) fear of losing friends and family.
Learn how to create simple, nutritious meals, with home and garden tips that sustains you and your loved ones. I’ll show you how to create a better world through design of self and home.
Let me help you design your self-care and your environment!
What questions and comments do you have, dear friends?
What’s bothering you about self or home?
What habits, exteriors and interiors do you want to change?
How can I support you? How often would you like to have support? Once a month, bi-monthy, or weekly?
Wildlands gatherings are aspirational, inspirational Socratic style. We’ll discuss a variety of topics. You ask questions. I’ll share my experiences, information and we heal and grow together. I’ve been plant-based for more than 35 years, and have reversed disease and prevented auto-immune diseases, like allergies and chronic bronchitis. And, I’ve helped people lose weight, reverse pre-diabetic symptoms and diagnosis, heal gut issues and reduce pain. Subscribe, ask questions and get answers at our online meetings. You will receive:
Nutritious, simple food recipes, design tips, how to eat healthier and how to stick to it.
Answers for your interior design projects and color questions.
Learn how to change habits and strengthen self: mind-body-spirit-nature.
You can read more about how to heal within, and how to help the world, in Hunger and Waste; Here’s the Poop, and my other essays. Subscribe and you will never miss an essay with a mission to connect with self, nature and animals. I have given my life to the service of the messages in Wildlands: I teach how to care, be aware, and repair, and it starts with self.
Now, I’m asking you to support me for my time and skills. Donation and subscription based education, action, awareness and behavior guidance needs your financial support.
There are several ways to support this life-changing work in Wildlands:
GiveBack Stack: 20% goes to Sustainable Tucson Habitat Restoration: native pollinator and organic food gardens for schools in the Desert Southwest. We support humans, wildlife and nature. We also have healing gardens for children with trauma, emotional, and physical challenges.
20% of art purchase goes to school gardens:
Buy Robin’s art: ‘Forest Blue’ is on page 67, ‘Forest Blue’ in Artstonish Art Show.
Buy Robin’s art: 20% goes to school gardens, ‘Earth Healing’ in Creative Minds Art Show.
Buy Robin’s art: 20% goes to school gardens, ‘Starry Night’, in Gallerium Art Show.
Buy Robin's art: 'Forest Blue', in Colorium Art Show, ‘Forest Blue’, 20% goes to school gardens.

Other ways to support Wildlands: Donations, Sponsorships, and Subscriptions:
Sponsor Wildlands: Support a passionate, whole food, plant-based teacher that addresses addictive behaviors and helps heal them for good.
Many thoughtful and inspiring messages here, Robin. Thank you!
Nice sound. 🤗🤗🤗, Good words.🥰🥰🥰