Let It Be Wild and Free to Increase Health and Prosperity
The Nature Nomad’s Tales and Tails From The Road To Restore Soils and Souls: Nature Has Countless Ecosystem Services for Free When We Allow Nature to Be
A recipe of reciprocity: humans help nature restore. Gardens are cared for using regenerative principles- no toxins are used, nature’s resources are utilized and water usage and waste are decreased. Together, a native pollinator garden was planted next to an organic food garden under the shade of the nitrogen and nutrition-full Mesquite trees in the Sonoran desert- a sublime experience of restoring soils and souls. Co-existence with compassion, empathy and purpose. We are energized, uplifted and inspired when we work together and give back to life. Envision our world nurturing and celebrating our connection with nature minding needs of those “with no words”, unburdening ourselves, and valuing each other as caretakers and restorers!
Restoring Soils and Souls: Nature Has Countless Ecosystem Services for Free. Allow Nature to Be and Free Yourself Too
Nature provides free ecosystem services and feedback systems. We just need to understand signals and stop interfering. As the flowers bloom, colors, fragrances and positions to the sun signal to pollinators to gather and disperse pollen and seeds. Gathering, distributing, and fertilizing are some of the ways nature’s free ecosystem services restores life. Nature follows regenerative principles. The symbiotic services of both the pollinator and food gardens powerfully demonstrate no need for chemicals, and the plants and wildlife are thriving in a forest floor mulch of leaves, sticks, logs, tree limbs, needles, and rocks.
Nature provides free ecosystem services and feedback systems. We just need to understand signals and stop interfering. Envision our world nurturing and celebrating our connection with nature, minding needs of those with “no words”, unburdening ourselves, and valuing each other as caretakers and restorers!
There’s a reason the plant life on branches are called leaves. Hint: mulch, another free ecosystem service provided by nature. Mulch covers, protects, feeds and retains moisture in the soil. Microbiomes, ecosystems in the soil, are made up of tiny critters, some seen, like worms, insects and fungi, while many are only viewable through a microscope, like arthropods and nematodes. Together, the “wordless under wonders” help create healthy soil, which absorbs water, thus diverting possible over saturation and flooding issues. During droughts and heat, the soil stays cooler when it is covered with it’s own refuse, thus protecting the microbiome from damage. Moisture is retained longer when the soil is not exposed to the sun. If you have ever seen dry, cracked soil, it’s likely you’ve witnessed dead soil, which is vulnerable to erosion, blowing away, and more water is required when the soil’s systems have been destroyed. Native grasses, wildflowers and forbs also create shade for the soil, provide home for pollinators and other critters. Flora, roots, and “the wood wide web” creates protective foundation for the soils. Native flora supports native fauna, and it’s important to know your "grow" zone.
“Leave the leaves, they are nature’s food, habitats and health “insurance”. Blowing away and bagging nature’s defenses in plastic destined for an overflowing landfill is waste-full.”
Leaving the leaves instead of hauling them away, lessens the burdens of land-fills, saves labor and transportation costs, along with decreasing noise, your precious time, money, resources and air pollution: there are alternatives to toxic leaf blowers. Hauling away leaves takes the nutrients, habitats and beneficial insects away from where they are needed for healthy soil to feed and protect the plants, trees and soil dwellers. Every species has a job and a purpose. When life is diverse, it has a greater chance for health, all by design. Therefore, little to no inputs are required. Industrial fertilizers, chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides and pre emergents may contain toxic petroleum based chemicals and may have residuals for a very long time. Putting in products that may not have beneficial outcomes makes nature’s systems work harder, thus delaying benefits to life- and take time, money, health and resources.
Resilient and Regenerative: Nature Heals Itself, As Above, So Below
Think, “natural refuse” as nutrition, vitamins and minerals for soils and souls. Think “carbon sink” and health of nature and for all life. Think nature’s clean up crew, sustainable, necessary and true. We are resilient and regenerative, As Above, So Below - we are capable of self-healing naturally, too. We are each a piece of the peace for health, restoration and conservation with life.
Here are some examples of how nature’s resources are utilized to reduce pollutants and how we can create jobs to reduce harm.
Mulch and Compost for Rangeland Restoration
Fungi break down toxins in soil
Soilutions and Soulutions is Natural Evolution
Think about forests. No one needs to prune into shapes, spray with chemicals, water, and blow away everything it has evolved to provide. Forests communicate and work together as a whole.
Mother trees nurture their young, connect with other trees and seedlings, which allow four times greater success. Trees’ complex systems send information into the network and kin. Defense signals protect against stresses when injured and dying, and increase resilience for all. Mature flora even is more valuable as their networks are extensive and helps offspring and others who may be struggling for nutrients for survival. Honor, value and respect the elders, and mothers!
Limbs above and roots below the soil act as antennas, sharing information-communications, cooperating with each other in relationships, while transporting carbon, water, and nutrition. Infinite biological-ecological pathways allow multiple trees to function as a single organism. Removal or death of one tree too many and the whole system collapses.
We must safeguard the trees, native grasses, forbs, fungi, cacti, wildflowers as flora provides shade and protect us from heat, neutralize pollution, feed biomes, provide habitats, food, pollen, privacy, beauty and create oxygen for all of life, just to name a few of their purposes and services.
Natural Teachers Await Us with Patience and Persistence
Are you ready to think and do differently than what others do when it is right and true?
There are many benefits to weeds. They aerate the soil, indicate insect and ecosystem health, and some are edible, for example. Weeds, and nature in general, are misunderstood, misused and as of 2023, millions of species and their functions have not yet been “discovered”!
In 2011, Census of Marine Life showed, 86% of all species on land & 91% in the seas not discovered & catalogued.
There is significant value regarding the social effects of nature: beauty creates peace, unity, community, health, and spirituality- nature welcomes us to connect. Being “alone” and quiet with nature expands our instincts, intuition and deepens our connection with Something Larger Than Ourselves.
Wildlife’s purpose and jobs are free ecosystem services for food, reforestation and restoration!
We would not exist without pollinators and animals are essential for restoring forests. Our support for all the more than humans do for us is at a critical point. Weather patterns are changing and so must our behaviors. One way each of us can engage is to say NO to neonicitinoids and toxic household products that harm life. We can also utilize our lands by restoring and conserving them. Support compassion and empathy. Simple and true: Nature and life are resilient and regenerate when we allow and reciprocate. We are each seeds in regeneration. We can create repayment systems to compensate nature and non-humans for all that they do for us. You can help create a world where nature has rights and humans are accountable to restore waters, soils, forests, wildlife and all of nature’s systems and beings. “Every species has a job and a purpose. When life is diverse, it has a greater chance for health, all by design. Biodiversity is inclusive, naturally.”
I have enjoyed many decades of health and well-being with a plant-based diet and toxin-free life. You can do it, too.
When we take responsibility and reciprocate with nature, we heal climate issues, injustice, and restore soils and souls. Symbiotic restoration-conservation answers many of our problems.
Restoration Nation Restores Soils and Souls
Envision a world of regenerative peace and prosperity.
Each being is a seed of reciprocity,
Allowing life to be wild and free.
Let’s restore together, naturally,
To increase health, Self-Reliance and generosity!
An original poem, by Robin Motzer, All Rights Reserved

Additional Nature Nomad Tips
Check your local library- many have free seeds and classes!
Check to see if your community provides free mulch or call a landscape company and ask them if they would be willing to work with you. Some companies will drop off their clippings at no charge because it saves them time and money so they do not have to take nature’s resources to a landfill.
Reciprocity is The Way To Health, Peace, Beauty, Freedom and Justice For All
Reciprocity is exchange- our way of compensating for all that nature and non-humans (aka more than humans) give us. Giving back expands nature and more than humans gratitude for us. Generosity of our hearts, minds and hands (actions, thoughts, words and deeds) give us compassionate, empathetic purpose- and Restoring Soils and Souls is sustainable conservation. We come from the soils and return to the soils…humus not hubris. We can create repayment systems to compensate nature and non-humans for all that they do for us. You can help create a world where nature has rights and humans are held accountable to restore waters, soils, forests, wildlife and all of nature’s systems. When we stop participating in harm, we heal naturally- that is Intelligence. Restore soils and souls- we are all a part of the biota. What we do to one, we do to ourselves.
Restoration-conservation can be done at homes, businesses, schools, communities (including Home Owner’s Associations), watersheds, farms, gardens, sanctuaries and anywhere. Envision a lush, natural, united, healthy and prosperous world.
Thank You for Supporting The Mission of Wildlands: Regeneration Nation: Restoring Soils and Souls
Regeneration comes from within and is throughout all of nature. Being wild and free while expressing a message of connection, courage, curiosity and justice are themes of my work.
My great grandfather was a farmer and friends with a U.S. President. Another ancestor fought in the American Revolution. My partner, a Physicist, and I now own farmland- land that his family has owned since 1902. Food, farming and freedom are infused in my life and restoration-conservation are a part of my Soul. It is a joy to work with the soil, assisting, partnering, loving and co-restoring all the souls within and upon it.
Wildlands mission is to reduce harm/ increase Self-Love/ Love of Nature and All Relations and Nations, whether they be flora, fauna, or fungi, and deepen our personal service so that each of us know that we belong and have purpose- we are the biota.
“A Poet with a Purpose” as a Wild and Free Nature Nomad, is growing organically- through art, poetry, essays on Wildlands and through Sustainable Tucson Habitat Restoration projects.
Generosity heals, “Restoring Soils and Souls” is my soul’s work to guide others to a natural, beautiful, connected, healthy life. Please support my work to help humans rid self of material cares and burdens of unneeded stress and enjoy an original relation with the Universe to experience "the sublime."
Your financial support goes towards habitat restoration projects for schools, community gardens, a regenerative farm, more than humans and children of all ages. We grow intelligence, wisdom and connection when our souls are connected to the soils.
I’m working with national and international organizations and a national publication. Contact me if you are: interested in working together, would like me to be a guest writer-artist, or would like to learn about my Project Development Services and Restoring Soils and Souls!
This Spirit of Nature and Ourselves essay and poem are Part I of a Series- Keep reading and supporting the mission. Please share Wildlands with someone who would benefit from it.
Aho, Wildlands started with 0 Subscribers, and thanks to YOU is growing organically and celebrating 115 Subscribers, with 5 people who want to financially support the mission to reduce harm and grow our world restoring and loving food, farming and freedom! Food and Freedom are medicine for soils and souls! And, supporting Wildlands expands good karma for life- we are the biota! Please share with someone who cares- we heal together, naturally! With gratitude from Wildlands, https://robinmotzer.substack.com
From another Subscriber, "Your work is brilliant!"- CCF