Restoring Soils and Souls to Uplift, Enlighten and Help Heal
A world traveler’s perspective of healing degeneration due to agendas to dupe, dope, disillusion and destroy
Like a hairless cat, bred to meet a need, “different” is what people call a writer, artist, poet, healer, naturalist, teacher…
Wildlands is a creative revolution in ruff times by a rebel mind to release us from the meatrix and serve health, well-being, and sovereignty for soils and souls.
Share my essays, poetry and art…and occasionally a healthy recipe with someone you would like to help trap and release.
I am a bit quiet and shy and am working on my inner jaguar to release creativity that has been silenced and distanced.
Let go of harm and restore your spirit. Join the community on Wildlands, where sovereignty and generosity are the themes. Find your piece of the peace.
A deep rooted love of nature led a spiritual warrior to share awareness from a nature nomad’s perspective of healing degeneration due to agendas to dupe, dope, disillusion and destroy.
I’m a free spirit, “A Poet with a Purpose” with stories of traumas and renewals to bring joy, laughter and light to you, to help restore self-love and a love of nature and all her beings. I have been talking with the more than humans all my life- they make way better friends than messed up people. The more than humans asked me to tell humans “to stop harming them and their homes because it hurts themselves, too. Not worth all the power, money and control when we are all dead. If people want to claim that they are the most intelligent species, then prove it- keep it simple, kind and true, honor yourself- it’s better for you…and all of us.”
And, corrupt lamestream media are redeeming themselves, catching on to Wildlands, and others that are different! I shared this very idea for a show with NBC, San Diego in the late 1990’s. The “Station Head” loved it! However, with agendas and budgets focused on dumbed-down, negative agendas, it did not see the light of day. Media did not know what to do with “different”. Gratefully, decades later, I created a home here on Wildlands. Now I have even more freedom to share the care!
Did you know…there’s magic in a cat’s purr. Science is finally catching up to intuitive cat lovers! There’s much more to these beautiful creatures than humanity has realized and valued! “In addition to simply enriching our lives by their behavior and presence, cats contribute to our own health and well-being far more than we ever imagined. Being multi-frequency, the cat’s purr accelerates the healing of bones, reduces pain, and relaxes muscles.” Read more about Dr. Jim Sanderson, Small Wild Cat Conservation Foundation.
And, find your companion: adopt, don’t shop- many animals suffer abuse in animal mills, small, dirty cages and are inbred! What are we doing to sentient beings who are here to help us!?

Read and support an end to trophy hunting of big cats and all wild beings! No healthy human wants to hang dead heads on a wall.
Thank you for the “purrfect” timing of the wisdom of :
“A paradox of spirituality.
The deeper you go, the more animal-like you become.
You learn to inhabit your body, becoming more alert and relaxed. You begin responding to life more creatively and instinctively. Your mind becomes lighter, more supple and playful.”
About Robin, “A Poet with a Purpose”
Life is not a competition. We are here to help one another, be it furred, feathered, finned, with roots or with limbs. Humans are emotional, connective creatures, and sometimes life does not recognize when a being is, well…different.
I'm a writer-artist-poet-naturalist-teacher with tried and true information, to reduce harm and increase love of nature, humans, and more than humans. I also restore habitats for pollinators to "bee" the change in our world.
Along my journey, I have learned many holistic health and well-being tips, including advocacy for the voiceless underdogs, the scapegoats…to help win liberation for rivers, forests, wildlife, farm animals, domestic animals, children, refugees, and the soils we depend on for all of our souls. My passion is to restore the sovereignty of soils and souls. Will you help me make this dream a reality and send Wildlands to a friend? You will enjoy good karma for helping to reduce big pharma and increase a healthy, prosperous biota that is ours to steward with compassion, empathy and generosity! Cheers to a better world for soils and souls!
“…love and serve others, seeing ourselves in them.” ~ Mata Amritanandamayi
Want to make a simple, quick, nutritious meal? Try this Red Lentil + Sweet Potato Pasta, with 14 grams of protein, iron, potassium and fiber! I added baby portabella mushrooms, which increase immunity, prevents chronic disease, increases bone health, may reduce cancer and heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Slice up the portabellas, add zucchini, and cook on medium heat. After they are cooked (or, keep the veggies raw), add them to a bowl with the cooked pasta, mix with some extra virgin olive oil, chop some black olives, and add nutritional yeast, salt and pepper to taste.
This dish is a powerhouse of protein, minerals, and fiber that is sure to make you meow with good health and well-being. No souls were harmed and growing veggies, legumes and grains feeds the soils- a win-win for all is true food- restoring soils and souls.
Yummy for me, and those I love. My doggie nephew really wanted a bowl of this delicious dish of his own but his dad said no. Poor Owen missed out but enjoyed his salmon kibble. Good thing my jaguar was resting or it would have been an epic battle.
In the comments, tell me what animal do you resonate with, and why? Do you have a spirit animal? Share a story about your companion animal(s)- let’s honor their stories! Tell me how you felt after eating this delicious, nutritious pasta dish!
Stop by, say hello, and thank you for "changing" my life.
Know anyone who is ill? Adopt a cat:
Doctors patients heal, and the cat’s purr is why…that’s medicine!
Science proves what cat lovers have known fur-ever. For more info on how to help people and felines, go to Wildlands,
Algorithms are finicky, like a cat-
The numbers...the numb-ers numb, and,
the voiceless cry: “dumb numbers numb others!” (Say that 3 times fast!)
Share this and the meows and cries of cats, and people with illnesses will be heard and all in their purrfect, fur-ever home, together!
As an artist, poet and essayist, word play is what I do on Wildlands where health, well-being, helping each other and growing together are fun and ensures freedom! Prosperity from within means we won’t be slaves to agendas and planned events that are not good for anyone but those who control, divide and conquer. Follow the money.
Follow your heart for what’s true- it is usually simple. Join me and let’s create a better world together!
Dear Readers: for more info on the healing purrs of felines: read Current Biology's:
And, thank you for helping Wildlands grow inner peace for you and unity for soils and souls.