Photo: Nick Oza, The Phoenix Republic. Nick was an award winning photographer. Robin’s work has been featured in art shows , local and national media, like The Arizona Daily Star, The Phoenix Republic, The Journal News and The Border Report.

I am glad you are here!

Wildlands is about our connection with nature, health, and well-being.

It’s for those who want health and well-being amidst an epidemic of confusion, delusion and destruction due to devices, crises and vices, weekly escapes to the wildlands soothe the spirit. 

Wildlands offers frequent and diverse “travels” to health, well-being and personal sovereignty. Your inner freedom is my goal. Helping you be liberated from the agendas of harm helps create a better world for all beings.

  • Connect with nature through creativity and reflection. We are nature. What can you do for nature?

  • Tip and Facts: What nature needs and how you can help;

  • Natural living lifestyle, with regenerative land care (without using pesticides and herbicides), remodels/ design for sustainable living and how to use natural building materials;

  • Simple, healthy food choices and recipes: Why you need to replace turf (grass) and how to feed the soil and design gardens; How to know nature is resilient and how you can help it, self and loved ones;

  • Connecting facts and ideals for our growth, fix problems, let go and co-create a better world: Who am I? How can I live an authentic life doing what I love? And, how do I forgive and let go?; and,

  • How to live as a compassionate, empathetic human in a world of false narratives; How to be resilient; How to transform, and so much more great information for your transformation and restoration of mind-body-spirit-nature-buildings.

Why Pay for a Subscription?

  • Wildlands will help you increase health, well-being;

  • Expand a capacity for abstract thinking about nature, animals, self;

  • Community- Connect with others who love nature, more than humans, health and freedom;

  • 20% of paid subscriptions support a native pollinator and food garden at a school or in a community, habitat restoration projects and/ or animal/ wildlife non-profits;

  • Interviews with trail blazers who are helping to make our world a better place.

  • Challenges and exercises to increase your health and freedom;

  • Advocacy and Inner Transformation;

  • Self care- Connect more deeply with yourself; and,

  • Art, Poetry, Essays with prompts for introspection and focus.

Upgrade to Paid

More about Wildlands

Wildlands, is a creative revolution about transformation, restoration and liberation of soils and souls, and is dedicated to the underdogs and scapegoats, for solace and release to the sublime, of which refugees, wildlife and many others (most of us, really) reside and hide.

Relax and enjoy and escape into Wildlands, with informative essays, poems, art, interviews with trailblazers and an occasional healthy, simple recipe.

You’ll receive perspectives from one who has traversed the world with courage, connection and curiosity of sacred Arts and Sciences. Guided by Something Greater Than myself, a renaissance soul passionately restores soils and souls of the wildlands: healthy habitats of the mind, body, spirit, nature and all her beings.

Each piece includes information about how we harm and how we heal through community projects to make the world a better place. Together, we advance environmental justice, peace, love, harmony, with a lot of inner work to Know Thyself. Decades of exploration to find what is true for health, well-being and sovereignty, simply and naturally, culminates in Wildlands. Some of my features are called, Restoring Soils and Souls, Ruff Rebel, Atman and Robin.

About Robin:

I’m a freelance journalist, my work has been featured in the news, magazines, films, videos, commercials, podcasts and online media.

As an artist, my work has been in local, national and international shows. I’m a colorist and mix my own colors from red, blue, yellow and white. I work on canvases and as a muralist.

As a soil health/ landscape designer, interior designer, amateur architect and founder of a habitat restoration non-profit, native pollinator gardens and organic food gardens have been created at schools and in communities. I’ve worked with City and State leaders to shift from using toxic land care to organic/ regenerative land care. I’ve also taught workshops, classes and designed show homes, including sustainable homes and have completed more than 5,000 color consultations.

And, as an advocate, I’ve worked for wildlife non-profits, helped start non-profits, and helped get a diesel tram out of a State Park, and helped end wildlife killing contests.

As a healer and teacher, I’ve worked with children, animals, have holistic health certifications and have catered plant-based meals for retreats. My teach-advocate work in schools has received national awards.

I have a lot of good things to share with you and appreciate your support. Wildlands remains free for those in need. If you have an idea for a story, or would like to collaborate or hire me for a project, please contact me. Thank you, I am grateful for your support.


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Access deeper meanings of life with weekly essays, art and poetry to engage your own introspection to help fix your problems and help others. Bonus beats will include events, opportunities, art sales, simple healthy recipes, a website and a podcast. Never miss an opportunity to connect with your inner wildlands.

Wildlands is a great value for $5 a month, $70 a year, or offer what you are comfortably able to offer. Support the mission to help empower and uplift people to make our world healthy, peaceful and prosperous. Support Love in action.

Your support helps restore habitats and beings, whether it be native pollinator gardens, a regenerative farm, food and herb gardens, watersheds, school gardens, animal politics, advocacy, sanctuaries and this publication. Generosity and Intelligence always gives back to life, that is the nature of reciprocity. Symbiosis is natural- Be a piece of the peace and grow with Wildlands!

From a deep rooted gratitude for beauty, joy, and connection with life, may this work bring you a sense of unity and freedom. Your support of creative, independent journalism nourishes the mission to increase self-love while reducing harm. Your contribution echoes beyond support, it amplifies vital information and honors valuable, noble efforts. Wildlands is sublime for escapes and scapegoats. You are a piece of the peace. Thank you.

Rebel minds in ruff times change the world for the better. Some testimonials about my work:

“Great post, Robin - thanks for making these connections to help us return to the wisdom of our oneness with the natural world and its beauty and intelligence...”- Will Tuttle, PhD, Author, The World Peace Diet; Monk, Musician

“You are such a great writer and artist!”- Wayne Pacelle, Author, The Humane Economy; Founder,

“Robin is the Best!”- Patrick Kerrigan, as told to me face to face by the late, great-grandfather of regenerative farming, Ronnie Cummins, Co-Founders, Organic Consumers Association

“Robin inspires many and is a great guest on podcasts. Her work inspired us to create a Regenerative Farming podcast and she was one of our first guests!”- MG, Journalist, The Arizona Republic

“Robin is magical- she walks her talk and is beautiful to photograph, too!”- Nick O., Award- Winning Photographer, The Arizona Republic

“Would you consider running for office?” - Kevin Dahl, Vice Mayor

Note: Louise Hay offered Robin a job to assist her right after she fired her entire staff and as she was starting her new venture. I walked into her office to deliver a card and flowers to her, because I had just finished reading, “You Can Heal Your Life”, and wanted to thank her. Unbeknownst to me, it was her birthday. I kindly turned down her offer to pursue my own dream, Wildlands. Thank you, may my work reach and touch people world-wide. And, thank you for your service. Louise Hay, Author, “You Can Heal Your Life”, Speaker, Founder, Hay House Publishing.

“Thank you for your amazing insights, I learn a lot from you!”- Vicki B.

“Wow, I really love your work and it is a pleasure to support what you are doing with a paid subscription to Wildlands!” - Bill F.

“Keep up the amazing and inspiring work for all life in our beautiful world. Your information has helped me tremendously. I can’t thank you enough.” - Sarah T.

“You are a priceless, beautiful soul and very generous with your wisdom. Thank you.” - Tim J.

“Your work is brilliant, thank you, it is a pleasure to support your transformative work.” - CCF

"Wow, I just learned a lot. All the best!" -GPM

“Loving the land and all its creatures is a gift for all of us to embrace. What an amazing article.. love 'piece of peace' and all the links. Keep on educating and activating, soon the world will be liberated. Happy Pi day, Thank you Robin!”- AG

“I loved reading Let It Be Wild and Free to Increase Health and Prosperity. Most of my garden is wild and free, not all of it, but there are some plants that need cultivation and others that can be trained not to choke others. Everything is organic and I love to grow trees. Many different animals, birds, and insects are there. Two ancient oaks are covered in Ivy that never gets cut because it provides nourishment and shelter to birds and insects during the winter, and I believe it protects those trees, one of them almost 800 years old. So refreshing to find a group of women making a difference. And also caring for the animals.” -DMG

A volunteer’s experience with our regenerative gardens:

"Thank you so much, Robin…..when I first saw the pollinator garden, I fell in love with it….it was designed with so much artistic judgement and care that it absolutely belongs there…it is as if it has always been there, planted by Nature….it is a great pleasure to be its caretaker….I hope that this spring will be spectacular….hopefully, the wildflowers I scattered about will be in bloom as well…

You did a great job on it, Robin- keep the faith!


A testimonial from a HOA:

"For guidance on improving herbicide practices, the HOA reached out to colleagues at Sustainable Tucson (Habitat Restoration- STHR) . The Association would like to thank our colleagues at STHR for always promptly responding with guidance on regenerative land care practices within HOAs. We look forward to continuing this collaboration as we learn and share from our mutual experiences moving forward.  -HH” (ADHOA)

In case you need more info on why to support my work:

My great grandfather was a farmer and friends with a U.S. President. Another ancestor fought in the American Revolution. My partner, a Physicist and Citizen of the Cherokee Nation, and I now own farmland- land that his family has owned since 1902. Food, farming and freedom are infused in my life and restoration-conservation are a part of my Soul. 

It is a joy to work with the soil, assisting, partnering, loving and co-restoring all the souls within and upon it.

Wildlands mission is to reduce harm/ increase Self-Love/ Love of Nature and All Relations and Nations, whether they be flora, fauna, or fungi, and deepen our personal service so that each of us know that we belong and have purpose- we are the biota.

“A Poet with a Purpose” as a Wild and Free Nature Nomad, is growing organically- through art, poetry, essays on Wildlands and through Sustainable Tucson Habitat Restoration projects.

Generosity heals, “Restoring Soils and Souls” is my soul’s work to guide others to a natural, beautiful, connected, healthy life. Please support my work to help humans rid self of material cares and burdens of unneeded stress and enjoy an original relation with the Universe to experience "the sublime."

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Good Karma for Flora and Fauna

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Where our connection with nature inhabits health and well-being. Changing paradigms, increasing cooperation and reducing harm.

People Wildlands mission is to restore soils and souls through love and action!