
We Are Nature: Sovereignty for scapegoats like the wolves is essential for the foundation of a healthy, biodiverse ecosystem. Celebrating "27 more genetically diverse, endangered Mexican wolves on the landscape thanks to combined efforts" in partnerships, said Maggie Dwire, Deputy Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cheers to more success stories for underdogs:


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Numbers Numb-ers. Dumb numbers numb others.

Thank you to my new paid Subscriber, for your support and generosity!! And, thanks to all readers for "tapping the heart", and for your comments and shares! Your engagement helps Wildlands rise above the algorithms, so that the mission to reduce harm and increase love is heard and seen- and inspires love in action.

Cheers to the underdogs and scapegoats, who are the innocent humans, nature and more than humans. And, cheers to the creators of and on Substack, who are working their calling in their publications/ platforms!

Stop by and say hello! More triumphs over tragedies will be shared in Wildlands! https://robinmotzer.substack.com

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Hi Robin, your experiences & writing is very powerful. Thank you for your courage in sharing them & your views .

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Thank you, Susan, I appreciate your kindness, with your background, it means a lot. I am grateful for you. More triumphs and tragedies will be shared on Wildlands, with a purpose to reduce harm and increase love. XX

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Your very welcome, I am delighted to cheer on your very worthy intentions. Increasing Love ❤️ i

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I am sorry what you went through all this nonesense, Robin; you entered the doors of a non-profit with good intentions. You put all your energy and soul into helping it meet its stated mission. And you were successful.

Reading between the lines, the real goal of this non-profit was to game the system, to enrich the founders or top managers. It deceived the public and continues to do so. I could say "Shame" but I doubt they would care.

This is one reason among many that I prefer the company of my non-human animals. This morning, as I usually do, I fed the birds and the squirrels. If you look at their beautiful faces, into their eyes, you see a beautiful soul with a completrle lack of guile.

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Thank you, Perry, for your support and energy-word hug. Yes, to the wildlife and their beauty- their eyes and faces are incomparable- I love that you love them, too. Living through the triumph and the tragedy, witnessing the lack of responsibility of leadership, changed me, as stress and trauma tend to do. Sharing healing with nature and her beings (including humans) is my mission- many deserve better than what they receive. There is a lot of corruption with non-profits who claim to care. I will be sharing more experiences in Wildlands - Cheers to beautiful souls and soils. With peace, gratitude and purpose, Robin, aka, Loud Hawk, "One Who Gets Things Done".

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Hi Robin, your experiences & writing is very powerful. Thank you for your courage in sharing them & your views .

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