Do These 5 Things for a Happy New Year
How I am healthy, wealthy and wise and you can be, too
Happy new beginnings! Welcome to Wildlands, I am glad you are here!
Do you want peace, health and prosperity?
Here’s the way I have achieved my life’s wealth: With a positive attitude, a path and a purpose. Believe-Conceive-Achieve. We can follow our intuition, be creative and overcome many challenges with compassion and connection with nature and others.
Start within, detox mind-body-spirit. Harmony within heals hypocrisies for YOUnity. Happiness is an inside job. We can be happy with less “stuff”- it’s liberating not to be weighed down with materialism. Consumerism is a choice. I recommend not “buying into and supporting” greed.
Do you love yourself?
That is a deeper question than do you believe in yourself? If you are materialistic, you can con yourself into anything. For example, people can stay in unfulfilling jobs for a paycheck, remain in an unhappy marriage for a fancy house, social status, etc. Spoiler alert: compromising self leads to burn-out of some kind. Know Thyself is an authentic, rooted way to begin your restoration and transformation, and to live happy, healthy, wealthy and wise.
1. Strengthen self with choices that reflect self-love.
Cut out processed and fast foods.
Do daily stretching, breathing and exercise. You can do all three while still in bed!
Purchase only from companies that do no harm to you and other beings.
KISS: Keep it simple, stick with the essentials for health and well-being.
Let go and trust. These have taken on an importance as I live on the road creating and participating in community gardens, art and advocacy projects in several States to restore health and nature.
Practice Wellness, Peace and Prosperity: We each have value when we share our abundance.
Live by the Golden Rule: it promotes health and reciprocity.
2. Value the local talents in your community.
Imagine a life with no monopolies because we shop local, eat local, farm local. You get the picture? Honor small farmers and business owners. Pay with cash.
Shop local, support local farmers’ markets, co-ops and businesses.
Vote with your dollars and don’t enable those who harm.
See a need in your community? Help fill it! Engaging in fixing problems with others is natural. Collaboration is how nature thrives—and so do we when we work with others. Life is connection.
We can create our niche and support ourselves with a “calling”. For example, there is a need to support health and nature. We could reduce hunger if more people would grow food and share it, sell it, or donate it to those in need. We could reduce waste by living with less. I have lived out of two suitcases since July 2022, and am becoming quite accustomed to less things and more liberation. True belonging comes within, not from belongings, aka, stuff.
3. Know that Something Greater than Ourselves rules the Laws of Nature.
Simplicity and honoring self, do your “thing” allows us to let go and renew. Be generous, be the gift. Honor self and others, too. We heal hunger and waste naturally by living with less materialism and more connectedness with life.
Give and receive! Our souls are deprived of compassion and empathy.
Practice compassion and empathy with all life. Dis-ease within ourselves projects apathy towards and disconnection with the outer world.
Pick your path and discover your purpose. Action manifests from passions and perceptions. Get out into your community and see what needs your help and get started. Your piece of the peace will evolve by taking action.
4. Get outside and get to know flora and fauna.
Soil is packed with life! Pergrine falcons are the fastest member of the animal kingdom with speeds around 200 miles per hour, or 320 km/h, while diving in the air. A garden snail, which only has one foot, has a top speed of about 1/2 inch per second, and usually moves at about 1/10 inch per second. Observe wildlife, plants, trees and see how they live, eat, move and work together.
5. Actions for each of us:
Please stop purchasing food, services and products from those who poison life from the ground up to the air and beyond. If we each stopped supporting companies who harm, they would be finished- out of business, banished- their karmageddon would cause their demise. That’s natural selection. We heal hunger, greed, waste and most of our problems naturally through a whole-food plant-based diet, minimalist lifestyle and engaging with community to share our skills and wisdom.
Nature is the best innovator of therapy. Natural compounds are more likely to be biologically compatible with the human body than those chemically synthesized. What is produced by other living organisms has probably been tested, used, and introduced to us by our ancestors, generation by generation. We have evolved with nature and must work with nature, not against it.
Cheers to Chuckwalla, the Quechan and tribal sovereignty!
Biden plans to establish two monuments on 848,000 acres of land, which includes local tribes as co-stewards. Named after the large desert lizard, the proposed Chuckwalla National Monument comprises of 624,000 acres of public lands from the Coachella Valley to the nearby Colorado River. The area is adjacent to Joshua Tree National Park, and the Kw’tsán National Monument, which borders Mexico and Arizona.
The proposed Sáttítla National Monument includes 224,000 acres that extend over parts of the Shasta-Trinity, Klamath and Modoc national forests in northeastern California.
Biden established the new national monuments with a Presidential Proclamation with the National Monuments and the Antiquities Act.
Read more about working with indigenous people, stewardship and take a survey: to mine or not to mine near the Grand Canyon in Wildlands:
A Collaborative Study on the Effects of Mining by the USGS and Havasupai Tribe
How Reciprocity with Nature is Integral to Our Survival
Nature is Something Greater than Ourselves. It is our job to reduce harm to animals, nature and others by being rooted in body-mind-spirit and live in awe of nature.
All but 2 states are in a drought
Eat to reduce the climate crisis
About Robin
I celebrated my birthday while on the road. I’m all in for less stuff, giving away, not participating in consumerism and not supporting greed. I live on the road with two suitcases while creating food and pollinator gardens to reduce hunger and waste. I also care for wildlife that are too injured to return to the wild. And, I work with local leaders, art events and advocacy projects for flora and fauna. It’s an unconventional life, but, heck, it’s working to shift paradigm, increase collaboration, and reduce harm. Cheers to less consumerism and more connection in our beautiful world. Cheers to health, wisdom and wild adventures. I was asked to run for office, however, I may be able to do more on the road than in office.
Please pray for the Los Angeles, CA area!
Please pray for the Himalayan area!