Please pray for the Los Angeles, CA area!

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Please pray for the Himalayan area!

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Sharing from a Subscriber, "Thank you, dear Robin." -Amy

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Robin, you are creating and already living the future we desire. Thanks for all you do and for this inspiring article. X

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@Susan Harley, I am so grateful for knowing you - Substack is to thank for our connection. Thank you, for your support, your thoughtful, kind words, and for reading Wildlands.

I truly believe that each of us can live the life that I do. Thus, my newsletter- to share what is true, beautiful and good to shine a light/ guide the way that is meant for each of us. We are loved by Something Greater than Ourselves and if that were enough, all problems would cease.

I appreciate your work, and keep having the difficult conversations- that is where the fortune is and where transformation and restoration is born. XX

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Like wise @Robin Motzer , it gives me comfort and inspiration to learn about what you are doing . You are amazing 💖

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A million thank yous to you, sweet Susan. It takes One to Know One. 💕

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So many great tips and advice, Robin. This really stands out to me the most too: "Happiness is an inside job." This has been my experience in life as well. Each time I stray off that path, seeking happiness in a thing or place. I'm reminded that happiness comes from within. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, @Neil Barker -good job, isn’t it wonderful to know this fact?!

Life is so beautiful, why clog it up with stuff!?! We can travel anywhere we want to go— within ourselves is a whole Universe!

Health is wealth and is open for all to connect and own true liberation! XX

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You’re welcome @Robin Motzer and so true.

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