
"Thank you dear Robin

The best part of living is giving! We bring food, water, clothing and shelters to unhoused people…..They are most grateful.

I am deeply concerned about them in this extreme heat.

Stay healthy



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Sharing this comment from a reader, Amyla. Thank you Amy, and keep being generous as it keeps you healthy, too! Cheers to all who are generous! Thank you for reading and supporting Wildlands, too!

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Enjoyed reading this Robin about the wise and intuitive choice you made. You might find this interesting


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Susan, I do wonder what would have happened and where my writer/ author work would be had I accepted the job offer with (world renowned) Author-Speaker-Publisher on self-healing. However, when someone is not honest or generous, how could they possibly have been a good boss, mentor, colleague, guide, etc.? Thanks for confirming my choice. It has helped me grow to find where I belong...

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Make up what would have happened 🤔 maybe you would have taken over the company!

Finding where you belong is something, some never find 💗

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

So true and thanks for the points to consider! I do think it made me "go deeper" into what my goals were, to find an expression that does not misrepresent who I was/ which leads to our "I AM". By the way, science spends a lot of money to prove things we all know. It is more fun to share our personal stories (imho) is less costly, plus we use our creativity and connect with others, like you! And, the publishing company in this essay had many author complaints and was sold to another publishing company. Def glad wasn't a part of that, too!

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Thank you, Susan, and thank you for adding this great study to comments. I appreciate you! I was going to add a research link, as I usually do, but kept this one as a story with personal proof-- a personal study that others may relate to and think about their own lives. With gratitude for you. XX ; )

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My pleasure and thank you Robin.

Your personal story was enough. We all know that being generous makes us feel good and brings many benefits 💝

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Great writing about a timeless message!

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Thank you, and it is amazing that generosity is foreign to some people!

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However, after I said no to the opportunity, the valuable intuitive guidance is what turned out to be good, true and the right thing to do : Thank goodness you didn't ignore your intuition.

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Thank you for re-stacking my essay, Emika! X

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Thank you, Emika! Sometimes a great "opportunity" is really not what it seems. Unauthentic people create false appearances and "jobs" that draw people to them when they achieve fame and fortune. My intuition kept me away - others who said yes to the opportunity found their job was with a narcissist who created a very abusive environment.

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