Thank you Lovely 🥰🙏🎉

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You are welcome, dearest Susan, and thank you for the support and connection, too. 🥰🙏🎉

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Dear Robin, I had many emotions as I read this, sadness at the experiences of the refugees, the animals, the walls and boundaries. then gratitude for how they are being helped , inspiration from your art , story and show.

I was involved with a lot of community projects, but have been taking time out …I am now thinking or to be more intentional planning to offer community transformation either through yoga workshops or a book Club for non fiction and stuff that matters. Thanks for this and all you do. X

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Dear Susan, inmho, it is sad and complicated, of course, with all of the need, greed, fear, to name a few issues. Thank you for sharing your emotions and your gratitude, and that you are thinking of engaging with your community transformation workshops and book clubs! I love that you are considering these things and encourage you to go for it!!!

One thing I did not mention is that through my one-woman letter campaign to the AZ Governor, I helped to get the first female AZ Game and Fish Commissioner appointed. I know this from higher level leadership telling me so.

We each have power within ourselves that are precious and valuable for change. I look forward to hearing about what you are doing!!! I appreciate your kind words of support and I am grateful for you!! X

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Dear Robin, you are amazing, with many achievements to be proud of. I loved to hear about these as it confirms the belief I share with you.

We do each have power , more than we realise and these are contributing to the change we wish for our world. 💝 Thank you for your encouragement and connection.

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Thank you, Susan, I rarely get encouragement, and appreciate your kindness. I do what calls, being of service is where I "belong". Cheering you on, Susan, Shine On! 💝

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Dear Loud Hawk, Poet with a Purpose,

Arya and I are encouraged by so much good work that you have done, both in protecting and preserving Nature and in helping refugees with a long connection to the Land remain connected. Less Greed; Less Exploitation; Less Domination. More Giving; More Cooperation; More Sharing.

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Thank you, Perry and Arya, for your kind, compassionate selves, words, thoughts, acknowledgements and Aho! to all you Be!

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