
Good news that more people and governments are honoring the sentience of non-humans- in this case, ducks, geese, other winged ones! You can sign a petition here: https://animalequality.org.uk/act/ban-force-feeding#modal-petition

And, for more info, go to Animal Equity's website. When we unite to stop harms of all beings, we free ourselves as well...Cheers to all who are speaking truth to power for the innocent ones whose language is not always heard or understood.


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Wildlands reaches a milestone! We have reached nearly 1,000 people and we are just getting started! Thank you, dear friends, for your support of Wildlands on robinmotzer.substack.com!

All of your private well wishes have been heard and I am deeply grateful for your support! Thanks for cheering me on, and to quote a reader, "Keep going...Wildlands is inspiring and masterful- reaching a level that is a game changer for people and the wild." Please subscribe and share, and, your pledge to support helps the wild in all of us---love of nature, writing, art and poetry are gifts from something greater than myself. I am very blessed to have been given these gifts from Creator, God, the Nameless- whatever the moniker appeals to you it is all- Love! For the wild, Robin, robinmotzer.substack.com

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