The Beauty and Intelligence of Winged Ones
Grey Hawk and Robin: The Raptor and The Hair- and Stories of Other Winged Beings
With a birth name of Robin, and a “medicine name” of Loud Hawk, the monikers are a window to my soul. Nature has been and always will be my best friend. She is there for me to ease the pain, nurture me, and to heal me. She is always present, even when others are not, and she always forgives. Her promise: spend time with nature and you will be renewed.
When we acknowledge our relationship with other beings, we celebrate the magic and the miraculous awe of what is means to be alive. When we hear the languages of other beings we are able to understand the generosity of the earth. We learn to give our own gifts in return for her teachings. My personal experiences with the wild, especially insects, birds and raptors, have taught and guided me. Here are a couple of my favorites that I will share with you today.
Grey Hawk and Robin, aka, Loud Hawk Speak

Winters light was dimming quickly, naturally illuminating our small covered patio. I was talking with a friend on the phone while sitting on a small chair on the portico of my townhome. Surrounded by the desert’s native plants and trees, the beauty and comfort of the greenery complemented the orange, pink and purple skies, tinting the setting sun. It was a sight to behold. The tree and plant branches reached out for me to “be held” by them. I breathed in their offerings and felt the joy of being with nature.
Out of the nightfall, two yellow legs quickly approached, flying low, aiming straight for my head. Within seconds of my awareness of her, a Grey hawk gently lifted several strands of hair on top of my head then turned sharply to her right (my left) to head out of the covered patio.
“The raptor and the hair” happened so quickly it caught me by delightful surprise. I squealed as the elegant and skillful raptor connected with me. Kim, my friend on the other end of the phone asked, “what was that noise…did you sneeze?” I chirped, “no, a Grey hawk just grabbed my hair ever so gently, then flew off into the night. That was the sound of my joy and awe. You, my dear friend, shared the experience via the phone.” We cooed with a gratitude for our shared blessing. Nature is a part of us, protects and loves us.
To be kissed and hugged by nature is a love that reminds us that we are part of something greater than ourselves. Nature is a part of us, protects and loves us.

After our encounter, I continued to see her. She followed me (flying above) as I walked through the neighborhood, sometimes solo, sometimes walking a dog that I was sitting for a friend. We remained wild friends until we moved to another State. She is fondly in my heart and I think of her often, certain that she is receiving my messages through the ethers. I send her love and thank her for “The Raptor and The Hair” connection and for watching over me.
The Birdcage
Another amazing experience came while I was at a large chain “pet store”. I had a table to display my Healing with Animals brochure, advertising my training with Healing Touch for Animals and my Animal Communication services. It was nearing the store’s closing time and I was drawn towards the middle of the store to an enclosed all glass room. As I opened the door and stepped into the room, the noise of roosting birds was so loud that it must have been challenging for them. There were several dozens of birds in several small wire cages within the all glass room. Their songs were bouncing off the glass and the decibels were piercing. Clearly, this was human disconnection with the needs of birds. They were forced to inhabit a very unnatural habitat.
With compassion and empathy for them, I began to tone. My intention was to bring some comfort to these beautiful birds in cages in a glass room. At first, I sang very gentle tones using vowels, making harmonic sounds with “ah-eh-oh-uh-ee”. Within a few minutes, the birds started quieting down and then became completely quiet. The noise went from stark bird shrills and squawks to silence within a very short time. I continued toning and singing as I observed them starting to close their eyes. They fell asleep, quieted by the gentle sound of my voice and calm energy. Once they seemed peaceful and at ease, it seemed my work was complete. Toning, aka, sound healing is an ancient technique – much has been written about it and more will be shared in upcoming features by the author of this essay.
May an awakening of consciousness be so that beings live in harmony with beauty, nature, good, truth and gentleness.
With gratitude to connect with sentience, I thanked the birds for the honor of being with them, in service to something greater. Then, I quietly stepped out of the room to head to my own “nest” for the night. I am Robin, aka, Loud Hawk, you know.
Being a part of peace starts with each one of us. It is a blessing to do your piece of peace!
Let’s shift our paradigm, people! Non-humans are conscious and intelligent. Ignorance is not bliss, awareness beyond the five senses is where “magic and miracles” happen on a regular basis- that is intelligence. Know Thyself.
We are all social creatures. Talking is better in person, or in this case in “birdson”, naturally, preferably in nature. If you are interested in reading a couple of scientific studies regarding the intelligence of birds, read about birds commicate using cellphones.
Birds changing their tunes: New research published in Current Biology describes an extraordinary exception to this rule, in which a novel song sung by white-throated sparrows is spreading across Canada at an unprecedented rate. What’s more, the new song appears to be replacing the pre-existing melody, which dates as far back as the 1960s.
Here is a “tweet” to teachers with bird facts.
Remember, dear friends, plants and animals are our oldest teachers. We come from stardust, and return to the soils. We are the core of our mother earth. Be kind to other species, they are our brethren. What we do to others, we do to ourselves.
One more note since we are talking about beings with awareness, the wild thrives on healthy systems. Let’s stop poisoning them. Do you want to be a part of poison or a part of abundance? More will be covered on this topic in future features as well.
What we do to others, we do to ourselves. We are all connected.
See the soil microbiome-bird-animal food web in this diagram from Dr. Elaine Ingham.
We are all on the wings of change! Let’s create a better world for all beings.
Good news that more people and governments are honoring the sentience of non-humans- in this case, ducks, geese, other winged ones! You can sign a petition here:
And, for more info, go to Animal Equity's website. When we unite to stop harms of all beings, we free ourselves as well...Cheers to all who are speaking truth to power for the innocent ones whose language is not always heard or understood.
Wildlands reaches a milestone! We have reached nearly 1,000 people and we are just getting started! Thank you, dear friends, for your support of Wildlands on!
All of your private well wishes have been heard and I am deeply grateful for your support! Thanks for cheering me on, and to quote a reader, "Keep going...Wildlands is inspiring and masterful- reaching a level that is a game changer for people and the wild." Please subscribe and share, and, your pledge to support helps the wild in all of us---love of nature, writing, art and poetry are gifts from something greater than myself. I am very blessed to have been given these gifts from Creator, God, the Nameless- whatever the moniker appeals to you it is all- Love! For the wild, Robin,