Want Health? Life-Changing Information that Prevents Disease
How to feel better, take charge of your well-being and protect yourself and your loved ones from diseases, destruction, medical tyranny and world health agendas
Want Health, Well-Being, Peace and Prosperity? Get Out of the Meatrix
This essay is Part II of a Three Part Series– Self Development: Symbiosis is the New Economics with the intention to help empower, inform, engage you- to inspire and enact change to make the world a better place.
It also serves to strengthen your immunity, and help prevent allergies, anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, destruction to nature and more than humans, just to name a few health and well-being challenges.
Actions can help fix problems: Do you have the discipline and courage to moo-ve away from the herd?
Eating non-GMO grains, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes and beans provide vital nutrients that reduces harm to life. The Non-GMO Project is a nonprofit organization committed to building and preserving the non-genetically modified organism food supply for all.
The world loses “around 5 million hectares of forest annually, 95% of this occurs in the tropics. At least three-quarters of deforestation is driven by agriculture – clearing forests to grow crops, raise livestock, and produce products” such as paper and palm oil, according to Our World in Data.
A whole, plant food diet reduces climate issues, deforestation, disease and devastation to all beings- the soilutions and soulutions are natural for health and well-being.
Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Mind-Body-Spirit, Heal Sentient Beings, Heal Nature and Heal Misguidance
Healthy soils for healthy plants for healthy humans: How beneficial microbes in the soil, food and gut are interconnected and how agriculture can contribute to human health. The microbiota of the human gut and the plant rhizome are similar in many ways and intricately connected with each other. A healthy plant therefore affects human microbiota and human health.
The gut and the soil microbiome share similar bacteria and microbes. Plant microbiomes affect the gut microbiome and human health. A healthy diet of fiber, minerals and vitamins from plants symbiotically benefits human health- and greatly reduces harm to animals and the environment.
Antibiotics can severely change the human gut microbiome and its function. The use of herbicides, fungicides and pesticides in food production, moreover, has drastic effects on the plant microbiomes in the soil and on the plant foods that we consume, touch, breathe- all forms of interaction affects all beings.
Did you know that eating flesh, dairy and eggs create a potential link between the metabolites produced by the gut flora and the risk factors for diseases?
TMAO, or trimethylamine-N-oxide, is a toxic compound produced by human gut bacteria. Its production can have a major impact on the development of chronic disease and overall health.
Production of TMAO relies on intestinal microbiota, and also on host genetics, co-metabolism, and diet. Nutrient metabolism and the ways diet influence health, the relationship between TMAO and intestinal microflora should become a new therapeutic target for improving the outcomes of humans, more than humans and nature.
A correlation between increased TMAO levels and neurological disorders has been also hypothesized, but the role of TMAO in the central nervous system (CNS) has not been fully explored. Due to the importance of TMAO as a mediator of inflammatory processes, the possible participation of this compound in neurological disorders is presumed. There are very few studies demonstrating the relationship between brain disease and TMAO levels! Medical schools lack a depth of nutritional studies, perhaps because they are funded by big pharma and big agendas. Food is medicine and “Healer, Heal Thyself” have been replaced with pharmaceutical pills, surgery, or other interventions that make untold billions for big government-industrial-medical complexes, with agendas that includes stifling education and self-care.
Harvard states “A substance called trimethylamine N-oxide, which is produced when your body digests red meat, may raise the risk of cardiovascular problems. Red meat is high in saturated fat and a metabolite produced during digestion and metabolism, called trimethylamine N-oxide, or TMAO.” Yet, how many Harvard trained doctors are providing guidance for their patients incorporating a whole food plant-based diet and self-care lifestyles so that they do not need a variety of medical services?
A study shows that, TMAO concentration and diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cardio-renal disorders, atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic stroke, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, and chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, cancers (stomach, colon), as well as neurological disorders have been linked. TMAO is absorbed into the bloodstream and transformed to ammonia within the colon (Velasquez et al., 2016[76]; Subramaniam and Fletcher, 2018[67]; Gessner et al., 2020[22]; Papandreou et al., 2020[56]). TMAO is created in our bodies by gut bacteria when we eat animal products like meat, eggs, fish, and dairy.
The highest amounts of TMAO from food products is in saltwater fish containing about 3 g/kg of this compound (Mitchell et al., 2002[45]). The formation of TMAO accompany the consumption of eggs, liver, milk, meat (red meat, poultry), and fish (Wang et al., 2011[80]; Subramaniam and Fletcher, 2018[67]).
A major precursor for TMAO generation in vegetarians and vegans is the main dietary source of choline: soy, cruciferous vegetables, also known to increase fiber and protein, and whole grains are other food sources of choline.
Interest in the study of the concentration of bacterial metabolites, including TMAO, in mental disorders and other diseases has significantly increased in recent years.
TMAO level testing may be done to determine heart disease and stroke risk or to predict major cardiac events.
Swapping out animal protein for whole food plant-based protein can cut TMAO levels in half and is the best way to reduce TMAO in the diet.
Recent research suggests a link between cancer and dementia.
Food, Farming and Freedom to Restore Soils and Souls: Eat whole plant foods, including cruciferous vegetables: “Vegetarians and vegans have different gut microbial communities. If we don’t eat steak, then we don’t foster the growth of steak-eating bacteria in our gut. Pills, supplements, and the like may be profitable for Big Pharma, but we already have a safe, simple, and side-effect-free solution: a plant-based diet. The human gut has a diverse collection of microorganisms making up around 1,000 species, and each one of us has our own unique collection. Yet, simply put, our bacteria are what we eat. Eat fiber, and the fiber-munching bacteria multiply, and we get more anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer short-chain fatty acids. Eat less fiber, and our fiber-eating bacteria starve off. We now know that when it comes to gut flora, it doesn’t seem to matter where we live, whether we’re male or female, no matter our age. What matters is what we eat. Diet can rapidly and alter the bacteria in our gut. Indeed, what is good for our heart, is good for our head.” - Dr. Michael Greger, M.D.
Agendas of big farma, big pharma, and big industrial complex, however, do not deliver simple, true health and well-being information. We must think for ourselves, do our own investigating, trust our intuition and guidance.
Fiber is what our good gut bacteria thrive on for their fuel source. When we eat whole plant foods, like fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains, we are telling our gut flora to be fruitful and multiply. According to Dr. Greger, “about 97 percent of Americans eat fiber-deficient diets.” A healthy gut is a healthy mind, spirit and body! Fiber is naturally concentrated in only one place: whole plant foods.
Can Alzheimers Disease Be Reversed with a Plant-Based Diet? Facts point to yes!
Advocacy and Inner Transformation Remedies Agendas and Problems
Food as a Weapon, The Rockefeller Foundation Legacy, The Great Food Reset Gaslights Farmers, Nature, More than Humans and YOU!
Agribusiness’ expensive machines, chemicals, and seed dependency to kill farmers’ livelihoods and control populations through diseases and use of petroleum-based pharmaceuticals, fertilizers are sure to harm health, well-being, peace and justice.
The United Nations, World Health Organization’s, World Health Assembly’s 2030 Agenda, full of green agendas and green washing, do the opposite of what they claim. James Corbett shows supply chain issues, wars, nitrogen fertilizer shortages, loss of farmland, arson and attacks on food processing plants, grain barns and farms, and cultivated meat grown in a labs, data tracked food, 3D printed meat, and DARPA’s work to transform plastics to food.
Population reduction agendas and controlled demolition of the food supply chains with the military-industrial-pharmaceutical-government-media-education complex have destroyed farms all over the U.S. and world.
Eat, Pray, Die
Microsoft, Bill Gates, Neo Colonialism and Diabolical Scientists
Bill Gates is the largest farm owner in the U.S., and is planning on consolidating farmlands in fewer hands and controlling your gut-brain microbiomes and bank accounts. Read Food, Farming and Africa letter to Bill Gates.
Plans to transform the food supply so they control the seeds, you eat bugs, GMO’s, fake foods and glyphosate means that we need our own plan to promote our self-reliance.
YOU are Needed Now to resist, speak up and grow your own food to stop agendas to feed you Biotech Foods. The global campaigns “promise” an end to climate issues and hunger but will make people sick and dependent on biotech industries and will rob you of peace, prosperity, natural foods and your life.
Michael Shellenberger and James Roguski have in depth information on world “leaders” and agendas.
Greed is a disease that is destroying our planet. Cure Greed. What are these “leaders” and agendas leading us towards?
The cure is grow your own food, no matter how small the amount- do it now- to protect yourself and your loved ones. Support farmer’s markets, co-ops, gardens, small local businesses, small farms, and talk with people, if you aren’t already doing so.
Power to the People and Respect the Sentience of All Beings!

When we understand how animals are treated in factory farms, aka ‘concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO)’, industrialized for mass “production” and how global tyranny’s 2030 agendas include destroying farms for biotech foods, and how they delude people into thinking all this is necessary and “essential”, we will have the courage, wisdom and the will to say “no!” Do not take my word for it, do your own research to acknowledge the facts. We need to get back to our roots and change our ways to end the cruelty that promotes dis-eases and dehumanizes us. Disconnection from nature and nature’s foods affect us psychologically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Ecotherapy, aka nature therapy is free! If want to hire a doctor or therapist to help you, that is available, too.
Garden, walk alone or with a dog, plant a tree- there’s a myriad of options to connect with nature. The more time we spend in nature, the less time spent on devices, being “brainwashed” by programs and agendas, the more self-worth and self-care happens, naturally.
Make conscious choices. Voluntarily resist harmful choices and impulsive choices. And, eat healthy, simple, whole plant foods.
Now that you know that what we eat affects our bodies, minds and spirits, ask yourself,
1. Do I want to eat fast, processed, and/ or biotech “fake” foods? Or, do I want to eat what nature provides because I am nature/ we are natural beings?
2. What choices am I making and how do they contribute to harm?
3. Why would I want to eat a being who was poisoned, tortured and murdered and, what is it doing to me, the more than humans, nature and all of us?
“More than 100 billion animals are killed for meat, dairy, egg and other products every year- that’s hundreds of millions of animals every day.” Your choices matter to them and to all of us.
“On average, 86 percent of people surveyed for Statista Consumer Insights in 21 countries said that their diet contained meat – highlighting that despite the trend around meat substitutes and plant-based products, eating meat remains the norm almost everywhere in the world. To satisfy the world's hunger for meat, 340 million tons of it were produced globally in 2021. Because meat consumption typically increases as countries grow wealthier, that number has been rising.”
Envision a world where we have reduced harm by 90%, because we know what is simple, natural and true? The United Nations, World Health Organization and all their partners do not provide that perspective or that world.
Empowerment to the People! You are the soulution: heal from the core, get to the root of the problem. It is up to us to listen to our heart and expand ourselves, Mind-Body-Spirit and allow nature and her beings (us) to restore. Grow food or support those who do. Nature has everything we need- follow nature. Stop empowering people who are constantly in the news, like Bill Gates and politicians for example- they are funding their public relations, agendas and their part in industrial complexes- they do not need any of our support.
We must unite and work together to transform our lives, our health and well-being, with natural living and nature’s foods. Peace and Justice for all will be done.
“If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls”
Do you think is there a way to kill with compassion and empathy?
A couple told me that they purchase meat from a local female farmer “who kills animals humanely”, and asked me if it was possible. I said, “No. Ask the animals what they want and wait for their answer before taking action to end their lives.”
We cannot continue torturing nature and more than humans and have healthy minds, bodies and spirits- it is not possible.
Narrated by and starring Sir Paul McCartney, PETA's “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian shocking 2010 video takes its inspiration from the most well-known quote in the animal rights movement and offers a brief glimpse behind the walls of slaughterhouses, factory farms, live-animal transport and the fishing industry, in a project called Glass Walls.” We know even more in 2024, and we must stop the harm of industrial farming and cruelty in all our systems.
The Gag Reflex
Humans are inauthentic when they “don’t practice what they preach and tell us lies in order to rule over us. We don’t need humans to “practice what they preach”. We need humans to evolve to be what they teach. Global agendas need you to be in fear and be burdened- it makes it easier for them to take your health and your money so that they can keep telling you how to live, and when to shut down our businesses, schools, gatherings…and our health and well-being.
Need further inspiration?
Watch a movie about the history of agriculture.
The Long Good-Bye
In honor of my father, who was one of the funniest, most beautiful, magical humans I’ve known. A surgical error during an appendectomy at 30, led to scar tissue, more pharmaceuticals, doctors and surgeries. I witnessed his gut health be misdiagnosed as an ulcer. His belly grew and the doctor had him on many months of antacids. After switching doctors, he was told that it was not an ulcer, it was a tumor that had grown to the size of a grapefruit! An emergency surgery to remove half of his colon, back surgery, decades of hospitals and medications preceded dementia, accompanied by multiple thousands of dollars spent to correct the mistakes of “health care providers”.
I saw a change in my dad’s eyes, noted that it may be a sign of cognitive decline, and told my family the news at least a decade before he was “diagnosed” with dementia. What I observed was a vacancy in his eyes where there was once vibrant life.
With multiple attempts to get my dad to eat a plant-based diet, he was unwilling due to his “love” of meat and potatoes. And, there was no support in the medical field or in my family to help him adhere to legumes, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and non-gmo grains. In spite of my certifications in holistic healing, nutrition and soil health, it was a losing battle and hard to observe the downward spiral while possessing powerful healing information.
It was a long agonizing good-bye to my beloved hero. I promised my father that I would write and publish books to help others not long before he died. He smiled and excitedly patted my knee when I told him that I would write. As one of the few who could communicate with him, he said, “I tried to be a good father.”
I implore you, dear readers, please reduce your animal flesh, egg and fluid (dairy) consumption. You will save your life, a lot of money, and agony for you, all beings and nature. My father suffered most of his adult life unnecessarily. My goal is to help others avoid costly errors of our systems. Cleanse your guts and your minds, for your own good and help reduce harm.
There are wonderful doctors, and plant-based doctors, like Dr. T. Colin Campbell; Dr. Ornish; Dr. Greger; and Dr. Barnard.
Support independence and my work to transform food, farming and freedom to restore soils and souls.
Wildlands is about helping people take charge of their choices, their health and well-being to free and heal themselves.
Share this essay with friends, family, physicians, chefs, businesses, medical establishments and everyone you know!
Thank you for your comments, dear readers and writers! I would like to clarify one very important distinction: There is a world of difference between a "call or a need" for plant-based foods and a world agenda to get rid of meat and "make people vegan"-a HUGE tyrannical difference, which is the one of the main points of this article. Really, it is THE point. Health, well-being and connection with nature and our creativity is the mission of Wildlands! I appreciate you and care deeply! Please share this important information as it helps others who may need it. In health, peace and prosperity to you and yours! https://robinmotzer.substack.com
Beautiful article; so sad to hear about your father, but this was a generation stuck on meat and potatoes. My father was and died of colon cancer at age 69 in 1980. I was devastated.
I also thought the same. There is no such thing as humane killing. We just use that phrase to salve our conscience. Let us at least tell the truth.
We slaughter cows, calves, chickens, lambs, goats, fish, etc. because our appetites, our habits, our addictions to eating the flesh of non-human animals demands it. Let us be honest and up front about it.