Beautiful article; so sad to hear about your father, but this was a generation stuck on meat and potatoes. My father was and died of colon cancer at age 69 in 1980. I was devastated.

I also thought the same. There is no such thing as humane killing. We just use that phrase to salve our conscience. Let us at least tell the truth.

We slaughter cows, calves, chickens, lambs, goats, fish, etc. because our appetites, our habits, our addictions to eating the flesh of non-human animals demands it. Let us be honest and up front about it.

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Thank you, Perry, I appreciate your empathy, and understand your devastation. Our loss shaped our views and choices. Yes, I agree with you, we must be honest and so few are willing and able. Quite frankly, demands of most are grotesque which moo-ved me away from the herd along time ago. I appreciate you, Perry.

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Same here, Robin. 🕊🦜

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Jun 13·edited Jun 14Author

Perry, you will appreciate these true stories. When I worked at the wildlife center, the paid volunteer coordinator (with her spell-biding steel cold eyes) complained to the two disturbed directors about the 8" x 11" signs I put in the breakroom and at the front desk. They said, "Happy Vegan Day from the animals and those who care about them." Appropriate for a rescue, rehab and release wildlife center, who advocate for wildlife, don't you think?

I spent a lot of time at the front desk, and happy whatever signs were normal, or so I thought.

The annual fundraising dinner served surf and turf, or similar meals for two decades +. Human animals eating animals to save the animals. The name of the event is "Born Free". Inappropriate for the mission, on all levels...wouldn't you agree?

Rules apply to us, not them. Their way or the highway. My 2016-2019, experience at the center prepared me for the cancel culture/ woke agenda. I teach what I know from deep dives and dark nights of the soul. There is so much to learn and room to grow!!

My 'Do You Want Sovereignty?' essay of the harassment, scapegoating, gaslighting about my experience with people who had no problem doing so to nearly everyone, except for those they swindle. Working with various (un)conscious behaviors is challenging.

I have the courage to be honest to help fix problems.

Cognitive dissonance is a huge problem. I wrote about that in several essays now and have another one coming soon. I've have a lot of stories to tell.

I am going to add my comment to you in my essay. : )

Thanks for being you.

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"Cognitive dissonance is a huge problem."

As is lying. These people were lying to themselves and others. ("surf and turf" Really sick.).They did not belong anywhere near our non-human animals. This is why I Iove the Lennon song "Instant Karma."

Keep telling your stories, Robin.

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I agree with much of what you have written and will investigate the gut bacteria and meat aspect. I also watched the excellent Future of Food from James Corbett.

I was a vegetarian, then Vegan for many years , but now eat meat. Only ethically raised, organic and local and this has dramatically improved my health and energy. I no longer eat carbs or sugar, because of their detrimental effect. it’s very sad what happened to your Father and it could have been due to a number of dietary, environmental factors and medical miss practise .

I encourage you to watch

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozhgR2r33YY with Sally Fallon , as stopping us eat meat is all part of the degradation of our health and freedom. Also the book Fiat Food is a revelation on the politics of food. 💓

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

Hi, Susan:

Thank you, I appreciate your kind support and your empathy with my father. And, thank you for your open mind and heart.

Everyone must do what is best for them, and I am glad that you have improved your health and energy. Kudos to your efforts, it is not easy to try different lifestyles, and it takes courage and patience!

I will watch Sally's video. I agree, the politics of food is trying to degrade our health and freedom and why the biotech fake foods are happening, as well as factory farming, which is the point of the essay.

I appreciate you, Susan!

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Robin, you are wonderful , I value us sharing & comparing experiences & views .

We have shared outcomes of health & common enemies in fake/processed food companies.😱

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Thank you, Susan, it takes a wonderful person to know one. ; )

I also find value in our sharing information, comparing experiences and views- it makes us better people. When people close their hearts and minds, it hurts them.

I love to learn and listen to others views- it's fascinating.

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Susan, you are phenomenal- thank you for your Courageous Conversations!!! XX

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Jun 12Liked by Robin Motzer

Thank you Robin; this was excellent!

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Thank you, Deb, glad you enjoyed it! Would you help get the word out and share this essay? I appreciate you! XX

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Thank you for your comments, dear readers and writers! I would like to clarify one very important distinction: There is a world of difference between a "call or a need" for plant-based foods and a world agenda to get rid of meat and "make people vegan"-a HUGE tyrannical difference, which is the one of the main points of this article. Really, it is THE point. Health, well-being and connection with nature and our creativity is the mission of Wildlands! I appreciate you and care deeply! Please share this important information as it helps others who may need it. In health, peace and prosperity to you and yours! https://robinmotzer.substack.com

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Thank you for sharing this article, Kevin! Health, well-being, peace, prosperity to you and your family and friends!

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