Two things I wish for immediately: 1. Animals are recognized by law as sentient beings. Science knows. Everyone knows. and 2. The world drops GDP as a measure of financial well-being and instead comes up with and adopts a measurs of a nation's overall health, which would include how many trees per capita, water quality, air quality, earth quality, land dedicated to plants vs animal agriculture, poverty level. It would have 100 indicators, mostly dedicated to what we find important..

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Yes, that's beautiful, Perry. Envision nature and her beings known as sentient and respected in our lifetime! It's time! They have suffered enough! People like you change the world- keep being you, Perry!

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How to help Sonoran Desert tortoises is co-existing peacefully, respecting land and the beings who call it home. Another way is providing a natural habitat and adoption: https://www.azgfd.com/wildlife-conservation/living-with-wildlife/wildlife-care-center/tortoise-adoption-information/

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Thank you, dear readers. I lead a habitat restoration group, which receives grant money and is volunteer based. I am also restoring a home and land of my own. Several years ago, I wrote how to develop land more ethically and shared it with advocates and local leadership. Substack allows my voice to "travel far and wide" with fixing problems, which is the mission of Wildands. Thank you for "tapping the heart and sharing this publication". I am grateful to you, dear readers, and thank you for helping me build community. Please comment if you would like to be a part of restoring soils and souls, as there are opportunities for us to work together. You are also welcome to DM me, if that is preferred. Happy Memorial Day!

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You can sign a petition to stop wildlife killing contests in your State- https://act.projectcoyote.org/a/petition-end-wildlife-killing-contests

Read about the new Bill:


Thank you for taking action to speak for those with no voice...

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